
Institutional Scholarships 

Teachers College offers a variety of scholarship awards to Master’s and Doctoral students, recognizing the broad range of talents our students represent. With TC aid, we aim to support your learning and success at the College. However, funding is competitive and limited and not all students will receive awards.

To qualify for Teachers College scholarships, you will need to opt-in for financial aid consideration when you complete your Teachers College Application for Admission. To maximize your eligibility, you are encouraged to submit your admission application by the priority deadline. Go to the How to Apply for Institutional Aid page to learn more.

Funding for Doctoral Students

All newly admitted Doctoral students are automatically considered for the Doctoral Fellows program, TC’s signature scholarship program for Doctoral students. Each year, a subset of new Doctoral students are selected from our applicant pool by our faculty for a limited set of Doctoral Fellow appointments. The Doctoral Fellows program provides a partial or full tuition scholarship and an apprenticeship allowance of $30,000 per year for up to three or four years of study. Apprenticeship training in the form of research, teaching, or other experience is required of most Doctoral Fellows. Faculty make selections upon admission to academic programs and students will be notified if they have been selected by the Office of Financial Aid. Only students who have been appointed as Doctoral Fellows are notified.

Doctoral students are also eligible for a variety of other scholarships, assistantships, endowed and special funds as well as grant programs, which may be awarded to new or continuing students and vary in amount and renewability. Most other awards are granted directly by our academic programs to students. Please explore further institutional aid opportunities utilizing the menu to the right.

Funding for Master's Degree Students

All newly admitted Master’s students are automatically considered for TC’s Master’s student scholarship programs. Scholarships for Master’s students are granted for one or two years, and are applied directly to the cost of tuition. The Founders’ and Teachers’ Future Awards, described below, are administered through the Office of Financial Aid, and granted soon after students are admitted to their respective program. Students may also be selected for a variety of other scholarships, assistantships, endowed and special funds, which may be awarded to new or continuing students and vary in amount and renewability. Most other awards are granted directly by our academic programs to students. Other institutional aid opportunities can be explored using the menu to the right.

You will be considered for the Founders' Award as a way to help support your first year of graduate study.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Length

Award Benefit

  • Incoming first-year student at Teachers College
  • Not a full-time Teachers College or Columbia University employee

Your first academic year

Up to $18,500

You may qualify for a Teachers' Future Award Scholarship to help cover the tuition costs for up to two years of graduate school at Teachers College. 

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Length

Award Benefit

  • Master’s Program with Teacher Certification 
  • U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
  • Not a full-time Teachers College or Columbia University employee

Renewable up to two years if you meet academic standards

Up to $15,000 per academic year

Please review the Scholarship Terms and Conditions for scholarships offered at Teachers College.


Teachers College and Columbia University Staff

If you are a part-time or full-time employee at Teachers College or a Columbia University affiliate, then you may be eligible for tuition exemption benefits. These benefits may affect your eligibility for institutional scholarships. You may review the details in the terms and conditions of your scholarship, which is part of your financial aid award notification.

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