Weather Advisory
In the event of hazardous weather, TC may decide to pivot to remote learning and work for students and non-essential staff. The TC campus will remain open for essential staff only. The College will make all efforts to advise the campus community of any changes in operational status as far in advance as possible. Students should plan to move to remote learning and faculty will follow up with additional information. Faculty and staff who are able to teach and work remotely should do so. Here is what this means for each group:
- Expect to receive a link to attend class remotely via zoom from your course instructor.
- For classes with in-person components (i.e., labs, ceramics, etc) expect to receive additional details about remote options or make-up work from your course instructor.
- For any class you are able to conduct remotely, create and send a Zoom link in Canvas for attending class to your students
- For classes with in-person components, send instructions for remote engagement, make-up work, etc. to your students.
- Staff who are able to conduct their work remotely should do so.
Essential Staff
Essential staff should report to campus for work as scheduled.