Master Course List
AERI's activities include capacity-building institutes for technical and non-techical audiences in global and domestic settings
Interested partners may select from following list of courses for designing customized 1-2 week long AERI institutes. Please contact us at or mb1434@ columbia .edu for details.
1.0 Impact Evaluation Design Series
Courses on research methods for determining "what works" in education and the social sciences
1.1 Regression discontinuity designs
1.2 Instrumental variable methods for impact analysis
1.3 Mixed-methods impact evaluation designs
1.4 Logic of making causal inferences with randomized experiments and quasi-experiments
1.5 Cost benefit and cost effectiveness analysis
1.6 Value-added evaluation models
1.2 Instrumental variable methods for impact analysis
1.3 Mixed-methods impact evaluation designs
1.4 Logic of making causal inferences with randomized experiments and quasi-experiments
1.5 Cost benefit and cost effectiveness analysis
1.6 Value-added evaluation models
2.0 Qualitative Research Methods Series
Courses on research methods for describing "how and why things work" in education and the social sciences
2.1 Qualitative interview techniques
2.2 Grounded theory analysis
2.3 Ethnographic methods
2.4 Case study methods
2.5 Phenomenology
2.2 Grounded theory analysis
2.3 Ethnographic methods
2.4 Case study methods
2.5 Phenomenology
3.0 Quantitative Research Methods
Miscellaneous course topics
3.1 Sampling techniques-probability and non-probability sampling methods
3.2 Secondary data analysis of large data sets
3.2 Secondary data analysis of large data sets
4.0 Designing Standards-based Curricula, Student Learning Outcomes, and Curriculum-based Student Assessments
5.0 Using Standardized Test Data for Global and Multi-cultural Test-takers: Best Practices and Validity Standards
6.0 Multiple-choice Item-Writing and Item-analysis
7.0 Standards-based Assessment Design and Standard-setting Methods
8.0 Formative and Summative Assessment for Classroom Teachers
9.0 Designing and Operating Large Scale Assessment Programs
10.0 Quality Assessment, Accreditation, and Accountability in K-12 and Higher Education Systems
11.0 Cognitively-Diagnostic Classroom Assessment: Research Base, Models, and Tools for Classroom Teachers
12.0 Assessment Design Course Series
Quantitative education measurement techniques
12.1 Designing structured response tests/assessments
12.2 Designing performance-based assessments and observation scales
12.3 Designing attitude and opinion-based surveys
12.4 Designing interview-based assessments
12.5 Designing portfolio-based assessments
12.2 Designing performance-based assessments and observation scales
12.3 Designing attitude and opinion-based surveys
12.4 Designing interview-based assessments
12.5 Designing portfolio-based assessments