
Past Alumni Award Recipients

Dr. Ruth Gotian (Ed.D. '17) has become a national figure on the topic of mentoring, leadership, and organizational change. She is the Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine. Ruth has an extensive record of academic publications which are regularly published in journals such as NatureScientific AmericanAcademic MedicinePsychology TodayForbes, and Harvard Business Review and non-publications, presentations, weekly shows, and podcasts with topics ranging from networking, mentoring, leadership development and optimizing success and has given talks on these themes all over the globe. In 2021, she was one of 30 people worldwide to be named to the Thinkers50 Radar List, dubbed the Oscars of management thinking. As Assistant Dean for Mentoring, she oversaw the success of nearly 1,800 faculty members at Weill Cornell Medicine and had a significant impact on the M.D./Ph.D. program at Weill Cornell, Rockefeller, and Sloan Kettering. Currently, she researches the most successful people of our generation, including Nobel laureates, astronauts, CEOs, and Olympic champions, in order to learn about their habits and practices so that we may optimize our own success. She has won numerous mentoring awards, is the co-editor of a book on medical education, and is the author of the upcoming book The Success Factor - Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Performance. She recently received two awards in 2019 and 2017, respectively: The Dr.  Bert  I.  Shapiro Award from AAMC National MD-PhD Association for outstanding contributions to physician-scientist training on the national level and the Pioneers in Diversity Administrative Staff Award at Weill Cornell. 

Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Ph.D. '16) is a ground-breaking scholar on issues of gender, education and Muslim women. She is currently the Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Bowdoin College and an interdisciplinary scholar working at the intersections of feminist theory, cultural studies, and critical Muslim Studies. Her research interests include, Muslim girlhood(s), masculinities and sovereignty, and Ismaili Muslim women's history. She investigates these topics empirically in relation to Muslims in Pakistan, the United States, and Canada. Dr. Khoja-Moolji is well-published in journals; has appeared in The New York TimesThe Washington PostAl Jazeera, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Feminist Theory, Feminist Media Studies, and in Pakistan’s English language newspaper, The Express Tribune; and has written several books. Her forthcoming book, Sovereign Attachments: Masculinity, Muslimness and Affective Politics in Pakistan, traces the transnational lives of displaced Muslim women. And, her book, Forging the Ideal Educated Girl: The Projection of Desirable Subjects in Muslim South Asia (University of California Press, 2018), won the 2019 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award from the Comparative and International Education Society as well as several other prestigious awards. Her list of awards is lengthy and has been recognized from a wide range of organizations and schools including Columbia and Harvard.

Dr. Nimrod Aloni (Ph.D. '87, M.A. '84) has devoted his life to defending marginalized and oppressed populations, including Arab/Palestinian minorities and African refugees in Israel. After earning his Ph.D. in 1987, Dr. Aloni joined the faculty of the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv where he was awarded tenure three years later. He has served as editor-in-chief of the Kibbutzim College Press, teaches Philosophy and History of Education, and, since 2004, holds the UNESCO Chair in Humanistic Education. He has established himself as an international leader in the field of Humanistic Education and is the originator of EcoHumanism Now So There Will Be A Tomorrow, an educational manifesto on teacher preparation that addresses the challenges and global risks of the 21st century. He is the founder of the Coalition for the Children of Migrant Workers, Refugees and the Jewish-Arab Shared Life, and the Annual Conference on Progressive Education. Dr. Aloni is published extensively in both English and Hebrew contributing to many academic journals whose foci include education; educational, cultural, and social issues; and art therapy. He has also authored ten academic books. Currently, Dr. Aloni is involved in co-editing a book with international contributors on Activist Education and Shared Life. He has been awarded the “Knight of Quality Government” and the “Municipality of Tel Aviv Prize” for his contributions to educational research and practice. 

Donna Bacon (Ed.D. '07 and M.S. '06) is the first female, youngest, and only African American Chairperson of the Health Studies program at Nassau Community College (NCC), where she is a tenured professor teaching courses on Human Sexuality and Death Education. She is also the appointed Chief Investigative Officer to train and assist in proper investigation and adjudication of incidents of sexual misconduct within the college community. For her doctoral dissertation, she launched the ground-breaking website,, which hosted her creation of original videos, educational information, and links to resources to educate and empower women about sexual health, treatment, and prevention. After graduation, her website went on to host more than 20 doctoral dissertation research studies and related interventions—ranging from the addition of a breast cancer portal, to a healthy eating and exercise portal, to a portal for mothers and children learning to increase their healthy eating and physical activity, etc. In 2014, she received a $300,000 grant from the Department of Justice, Office of Violence against Women to create and initiate prevention education programs on the NCC campus. Additionally, Dr. Bacon coordinated the first Annual Breast Cancer Walk and Expo at NCC. She created and facilitates life skills mentoring programs like SASH (Student Advocates for Sexual Health) and Red Shoes (Redefining, Envisioning & Developing Sheroes to Health and Overall Emotional Satisfaction), and is the founder of the Mid-Nassau County “Lend A Helping Hand,” a nonprofit that helps breast cancer fighters and survivors by providing emergency financial services to women undergoing recent breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation treatment. Furthermore, for her contributions to promoting health equity and health education, Dr. Bacon was recognized as a Health Care Hero and awarded a Nassau County Citation for her work with women and minorities in Long Island.

Dr. Noel Tichy (Ph.D. '72) is an American management consultant, educator, author, editor, and contributor to over 30 books. In 2009, the Washington Post named Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will as one of its Top 10 leadership books. He was rated as one of the "Top 10 Management Gurus" by BusinessWeek and Business 2.0. and has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Business Strategy. Also, Noel was the founding editor and chief of Human Resource Management Journal. He has been a Professor of Management & Organizations at the Ross School of Management at The University of Michigan for over 40 years. Previously, he served on the Columbia Business School Faculty. Additionally, he is the senior partner at ActionLearning Associates where he has many Fortune 100 companies as clients and led the launch of the Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative in partnership with General Electric, Procter & Gamble and 3M. The initiative was designed to create a national model for partnership opportunities between business and society, emphasizing free enterprise and democratic principles. For more than 10 years he headed the Global Leadership program, a 36-company consortium of Japanese, European, and North American companies who partnered to develop senior executives and conduct action research on globalization in China, India, Russia, and Brazil. He also spends time doing pro bono work, and noted that he doesn't “work with any clients that don’t include community service as part of [their] leadership development.” After working at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center in the South Bronx, he went off to run the Hazard Family Health Service in Kentucky between 1977-78, then he worked with Montefiore Medical Center in their social medicine residency program. One of his newest projects is a partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, where he will be working with the organization to build a world-class capability for leadership development.

Dr. Chin-Chung Tsai (Ed.D. '96) is currently the Chair, Professor, and Dean of the School of Learning Informatics at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taiwan. He has devoted himself to the research topic of epistemology and epistemic cognition in the field of e-learning for more than 20 years since he received his doctoral degree in Science Education from Teachers College. He was one of the early scholars in the world who proposed the ground-breaking idea of attending to learners’ evaluative standards of information and knowledge in online environments in 2001. In 2004, he provided pioneering insights on how to adequately utilize Internet-based learning to facilitate the development of learners’ epistemological thinking and promote their information commitment. He has co-authored and published more than 300 scholarly works and international journal papers. Since 2009 and 2016 respectively, he has been invited as the Co-Editor of Computers & Education, the most prominent journal in the field of educational technology, and has been the Editor of the International Journal of Science Education, one of the three most important core journals in the field of science education. Dr. Chin-Chung Tsai was invited to be the Director of the Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences (IRELS), where he coordinated several research tracks, such as “Science Education or STEM education,” “Intelligent Learning Technologies,” “Educational Measurement and Big Data,” and “Educational Neuro-Science.” In recent years, he has been ranked as the number one education researcher worldwide in terms of publication performance and in  the top three education researchers globally in terms of citation numbers based on the SSCI and SCOPUS databases. In 2020, he received the Honorary Life-time National Chair Professorship in Taiwan, which is the most prestigious national award in terms of academic research.

Jeffrey Putman (M.A. '96, Ed.M. '97, Ed.D. '11) served two separate terms on the Alumni Council, from September 2004 to May of 2010 and then again beginning in 2012, in a variety of capacities and leadership roles including the Awards and Recognition Committee (co-chair 2008-2010); Student Liaison Committee (chair 2006-2010); liaison to the Student Senate; Programs and Resources Committee (co-chair  2012-2014); Distinguished Alumni and Early Career Awards Committee (Co-Chair 2013-2015); Executive Committee (2006-2010, 2012-2018); President-Elect (2013-2015); President (2015-2017); Immediate Past President (2017-2018). Jeffrey was the first-ever, peer-elected President-Elect of the Alumni Council, and during this two-year term, he chaired a task force that reviewed the by-laws which resulted in recommendations to incorporate a strategic planning process, reduce the number of standing committees, and change the terms of appointments to the Alumni Council while also serving as co-chair to the awards committee. Becoming President in 2015, Jeffrey served as the 26th leader of the Alumni Council and led an effort to sharpen the focus of the Council on their primary mission of (re)connecting alumni to Teachers College. As President, Jeffrey worked collaboratively with key college stakeholders to set and achieve goals for building a link between current students and alumni, reviving alumni connections to the College, increasing our social media engagement and encouraging alumni financial participation. In addition to his service as a member of the Alumni Council, Jeffrey served as a member of the 21st Century Leaders Committee, which was launched during the 125th Anniversary Celebrations to encourage recent alumni to participate in the financial and non-financial goals of the College’s successful capital campaign through event and fundraising efforts. Jeffrey is also a Maxine Greene Society member, has worked on social media efforts to support the College, is a supporter and promoter of College events and annually helps to host a gathering at the NASPA conference to reconnect alumni from Higher Education to Teachers College.

Originally from Brookline, Massachusetts, Benjamin Dickman (Ph.D. '14) majored in Mathematics at Amherst College and received his doctorate in Mathematics Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. He studied as a Fulbright Fellow in Mathematics at Nanjing Normal University in Nanjing, China, and worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Math Education at Boston University. Benjamin has been a math teacher and teacher coach at The Hewitt School, a girls' school in New York City, since 2016. His interests include mathematical creativity, problem posing, and humanizing mathematics. Outside of his work as a teacher-scholar, Benjamin is an avid word game player and loves Boggle!

Radhika Iyengar (Ph.D. '11) is the Director of Education and a Research Scholar at the Center for Sustainable Development of Columbia University’s Earth Institute. She leads the Education for Sustainable Development initiatives and promotes international development for education as a practitioner, researcher, teacher, and manager. Her research interests consist of conducting evaluations of educational programs and international educational development. In addition to directing education initiatives at the Center and conducting fieldwork in over 10 countries, she contributes to the scientific community, focusing on international educational development. Her latest publication is "Education as the path to a sustainable recovery from COVID-19" in PROSPECTS. She received a distinction from Teachers College, Columbia University for her Ph.D. dissertation, "Social Capital as a Determinant of Schooling in Rural India: A Mixed Methods Study." She received her Master’s degree in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics, India.

Deborah Antoine’s (Ed.D.'91) career spans four decades, culminating in her position as CEO of the Women’s Sports Foundation. An educator, strategic planner, team builder and entrepreneur, her career has focused on designing, developing, and implementing programs to improve the lives of underserved children and families. She has successfully led the growth and sustainability of five nonprofit organizations: the HOPE Program, which she founded in 1984, integral to her doctoral work at Teachers College; the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation; Per Scholas; PBS Channel Thirteen; and New York Junior Tennis & Learning. Deborah has a long record of voluntary service to education, the arts, and human services, and currently serves as a trustee of the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Dale Atkins (M.A. '72) is a licensed psychologist with more than forty years of experience as a relationship expert focusing on families, wellness, managing stress, and living a balanced, meaningful life. Author of seven books and many chapters, articles, and journals for popular and professional audiences, Dale is a featured speaker who lectures and leads seminars worldwide. Dale has appeared regularly on NBC’s TODAY and CNN. Dale has a private psychology practice in New York City and has been a member of, and advisor to several nonprofit boards, including Jumpstart for Young Children, from which she recently retired after serving twenty-two years, since its founding. She has two children and six grandchildren and lives in Connecticut. 

David Gómez (Ed.D. '82) served as President of Hostos Community College from 2015 to 2020, after having served as Interim President since July 2014. Previously, Dr. Gómez was a longtime senior administrator at Kingsborough Community College and a Professor in Kingsborough’s Department of Behavior and Social Sciences. Dr. Gómez also served as a consultant, locally and nationally, assisting community college leaders to improve the quality of services at their institutions. Dr. Gómez’s publications and research interests have focused on the community college movement. He has examined critical practices that can move institutions “from good to great,” the importance of student support services in advancing student success, and aligning the objectives of the institution’s main divisions to achieve common goals.

Preston Green (Ed.D. '95) is the John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education at the University of Connecticut, where he is also a professor of educational leadership and law. Dr. Green is a renowned educational law scholar who has written extensively on the topics of educational access and school choice. He has also sought to promote the achievement of equal educational opportunity through collaborations with the Southern Poverty Law Center, UCLA Civil Rights Project, the Century Foundation, and the National Education Policy Center. Moreover, he has created joint degree programs in law and education at two universities.

Jinny Goldstein (M.A. '72) credits TC for inspiring her to pursue a career in the then-nascent field of education technology. She was instrumental in launching the PBS Adult Learning Service, which became one of the nation’s earliest and largest distance learning efforts. As PBS’s Chief Education Officer, Jinny led the creation of innovative learning services from pre-k to the workplace. A member of the Grace Dodge Society TC’s President’s Advisory Council for over a decade, Jinny has advocated for research in education and technology, an area in which TC is now a leader. A supporter of student scholarships, and excited by the potential of TC’s new Public Leaders program, Jinny established The Endowed Scholarship Fund for Public School Leaders.

Debra Heinrich (M.Ed. '84, Ed.D. Candidate '22) is a proud alumna of Teachers College and, as a true advocate of continuing education, is currently completing her Ed.D. here! Among her other activities, she is a member of the Board of Trustees at the FDR Library and Museum, serves as a Director of the Nursing Knowledge International Board of Sigma Theta Tau and has volunteered as a reading tutor in the NYC public school system. Her personal interests include art, reading and baking. Debra and her husband, George, reside in Bedford, New York and have two sons--both alumni of Columbia College!

Tony Alleyne (M.A. ’10, Private School Leadership, The Klingenstein Center for Independent School Education) is the founder and executive director of the Delaware College Scholars Program (DCS), a leading seven-year college preparation/college persistence program for high-achieving under-resourced students. To date, 94 percent of Delaware College Scholars have gone on to four-year institutions of higher learning. Originally from Brooklyn, he attended public schools in New York City until joining Prep for Prep’s Prep 9, which opened doors to the opportunity to graduate cum laude from St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, DE. It’s this experience that set Dr. Alleyne on a path of lifelong dedication to educational access and opportunities for marginalized students. Alleyne earned his B.A. from Wesleyan University, his M.A. degree from Teachers College, Columbia University and his Ed.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Kim Baranowski (Ph.D. ’14, Counseling Psychology) is a Lecturer at Teachers College in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology. She works to advance human rights through advocacy, training, and research. Baranowski educates clinical professionals, students, and the broader community about the impact of persecution on mental health. She conducts pro bono trauma-informed forensic psychological evaluations of asylum seekers and has trained over 200 clinical practitioners to document the mental health correlates of torture. In 2018, she was awarded the American Psychological Association Citizen Psychologist Presidential Citation for her sustained commitment to leadership in advocacy and supporting survivors of human rights violations.

Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams (Ed.D. ’12, International Educational Development) is Associate Professor of Africana Studies; Director of Peace and Justice Studies; and Faculty Affiliate of Education, Globalization Studies, and Public Policy at Gettysburg College. He is also a lecturer at the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, Teachers College. He completed his B.A. in Psychology at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, and his M.A., Ed.D. in International Educational Development and M. Ed. in Comparative and International Education at Teachers College in Comparative and International Education, with foci in philosophy of education and peace education. His research centers on school/structural violence, educational inequities, and youth and community empowerment, and he has conducted many workshops and trainings on restorative circles in diverse settings.

Bruce Ballard (Ed.D. ’94, Applied Linguistics) has taught reading, writing, poetry, second languages and pedagogy for 45 years. He has worked with pre-school students up through senior citizens, in the United States and overseas. He has run teacher-training projects in eight countries, taught Fortune 100 business executives to write clearly, and instructed graduate students in education. After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2012, he created a website,, which promotes a positive “enriched environment” for people living with PD and their families. The World Parkinson Coalition selected Ballard’s site as a leading WPC Blog for the global Parkinson’s community.

Fanshen Cox (M.A. ’97, TESOL) is an award-winning actress, producer, and educator, who is currently touring the one-woman show she wrote and performs in: One Drop of Love. One Drop travels near and far, in the past and present to explore history, family, race, class, justice, and love. It is a multimedia one-woman show exploring the intersections of race, class, and gender in search of truth, justice, and LOVE that is co-produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Cox has been featured in the New York Times and on NPR as a spokesperson on using the arts to explore racial identity. She served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cape Verde, West Africa, and has designed curricula for and taught English as a Second Language to students from all over the world. She has been honored with the Peace Corps’ Franklin H. Williams Award and with Peace Corps Fellows and Hollywood Foreign Press Association scholarships. Fanshen is also the co-author of the Inclusion Rider which was announced by Frances McDormand at the 2018 Oscar Awards.

Denny Taylor's (Ed.D. ’81, Family and Community Education) family literacy research is used throughout the world as a conduit for many local and regional initiatives to end poverty and hunger, respond to public health emergencies; and promote gender equality, climate action, peace & justice, and strengthen partnerships to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Since 1977 she has been continuously engaged in research with families living in extreme poverty, and in regions of armed conflict and weather-related catastrophes. Her books include novels as well as seminal research texts. Her first book Family Literacy (1983) is regarded a classic in the field; Growing Up Literate received the MLA Mina Shaughnessy Award (1988); and Toxic Literacies (1996) was nominated for both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. In 2004 Taylor was inducted into the IRA’s Reading Hall of Fame. A retrospective of her research, From Family Literacy to Earth System Science, is on her website. In 2013 she co-founded Garn Press, which has published many award winning books by teachers and scientists. She is also Professor Emerita of Specialized Programs in Education at Hofstra University. In 2019, she was named a recipient of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy (NCRLL) Distinguished Scholar Award.

Joohee Son (Ed.D. ’13, Instructional Technology and Media) is President of TC’s Korean Alumni Association. She received her M.Ed. and Ed.D. from Teachers College in Instructional Technology. She also has an M.Ed. in TESOL from Ohio State University. She established the Center for Education & Technology, Inc. (CET) in 2013, which has improved “Thinking Skills and English fluency” for K-12 students in Korea. She’s embedded cognitive theories into English curriculum, and designed the “Speaking Online Feedback System,” providing individual feedback about English Fluency, Accuracy, and Thinking Skills. CET processed “A Patent Application of Thinking Skill Evaluation System” in online speaking, and provides hundreds of elementary students with online courses in Korea.

Bradford Manning (M.A. '10) embodies exactly about what Teachers College is about—giving back to the community and finding well-balanced meaning and success. Manning and his brother Bryan, both who are legally blind due to Stargardt’s disease, founded Two Blind Brothers—a fashion company that sells soft, touchable, Braille enhanced clothes for those who are sight-impaired. Seventy percent of their business’ workforce is blind or visually-impaired. All the profits are directed to the Foundation for Fighting Blindness. Two Blind Brothers has been featured on ELLEN and NBC News.


Thabo Msibi (M.Ed. '08) is an Associate Professor in Curriculum Studies in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he is also the Dean and Head of School. He is the youngest Dean in South Africa and he provides leadership on youth, sexuality and gender issues locally, regionally and internationally. He founded the Community Development Association, a national organization that undertakes youth driven outreach programs with a focus on education. He is the first TC alumnus to receive a Bill Gates Scholarship which he used to earn his Ph.D. in Sexuality Education from Cambridge University. In 2015, he received the Distinguished Teacher’s Award from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Louise Margaret Ada (M.A. '84) is a physiotherapist and currently teaches in and leads the neurology program in the Discipline of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. Her passion for teaching is driven by a desire to produce the highest quality graduates with the end goal of improving patient outcomes, particularly for people with stroke. She is the leading physiotherapist in Australia and eighth in the world. She has over 90 publications, her work has been cited 1,400 times and she has received $3 million in research grants. She is also the head of the World Congress of Physiotherapy.


Sybil Jordan Hampton (Ed.D. '91) was one of the Little Rock Nine-the first students to integrate into Little Rock Central High School-and later she was the first African-American student to graduate from the school. Beyond her historical significance, she has had a distinguished career in her own right. She has held leadership roles in universities in New York, Wisconsin and Texas and executive positions in two foundations of national renown: Manager of the GTE Corporate Foundation in Stamford, CT; and President Emerita of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation in Little Rock, AR. She has received the Iona College Woman of Achievement Award, the Madison, WI NAACP Education Award, and the National Conference for Community and Justice Humanitarian Award. She was also inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame.


Etta Kralovec (Ed.D. '87) is currently associate professor of Teacher Education and program director of the M.Ed. in Secondary Education at the University of Arizona-South. Her program has received the Peter Likins Inclusive Excellence Award from the University of Arizona and a Best Practices Award from the Mexican government for raising over $3 million in federal funds to prepare STEM teachers for Title One schools in Arizona border communities. In addition to many other accomplishments, Dr. Kralovec is a founding member of the International Research Consortium on Human Development at the Universidad de Guanajuato. She is also a leading voice in the US to end homework.


Gabriela Simon-Cereijido (M.S. '00) is an accomplished educator, researcher and pioneer in the field of bilingual speech pathology. Simon-Cereijido has given lectures and keynote speeches locally, nationally and internationally. She is part of an Interdisciplinary Team working on a project to improve oral health outcomes for Los Angeles children and families (the Dental Transformation Initiative, Dental Pilot Program) and is committed to the education and well-being of communities and students from all backgrounds. Her work has been published in several national and international journals and she has received many awards including the Trailblazer Award from the Latino Alumni Association of Columbia University and, most recently, the Thesis Advisor Appreciation Award, Honors College, California State University, Los Angeles.

David Flink (M.A. '08) is a social movement leader on the front lines of the emergent learning rights movement. Flink is Founder and Chief Empowerment Office of Eye to Eye, the only national mentoring movement run for and by people with LD/ADHD. Eye to Eye empowers young people with LD by giving them a mentor in school who shares that experience. It also sends them as Diplomats across the country to share their LD/ADHD stories and strategies for success and supports them as alumni as they make the transition from college to the workplace and beyond. Flink was awarded a Prime Movers Fellowship sponsored by the Hunt Alternatives Fund and was elected to the prestigious Ashoka Fellowship. In addition, he is an IF Hummingbird Foundation (formerly The Iscol Family Foundation, Inc.) Visionary and an Advisor for The Adversity 2 Advocacy (A2A) Alliance and Story Shares. He sits on 4 national nonprofit boards: Hunt Alternatives, Generation Citizen, Dyslexic Advantage, and CAST.

Leticia Lyle (M.A. '11) has a Masters from the Curriculum and Teaching Department at Teachers College and has specialized in Social and Emotional Teaching and Learning. Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development at Somos Educação, Leticia has successfully founded three organizations focused on social and emotional competencies development and research: Instituto Vila Educação, a nonprofit responsible for the adaptation and implementation of a nationwide SEL program in public elementary schools; Mindset Education, a consulting group focused on helping bring 21st century education to the core of institutions and AfterSchool Educação, an experimental, project and competency based afterschool program and preschool. Recipient of a prestigious Lemann Fellowship for her contributions to Brazilian Public Education, Leticia is also a Post Graduate Studies Course Coordinator at Instituto Singularidades, a university in Brazil focused solely on Teaching and Learning, with the challenge of developing models for preparing teachers to teach in our complex world.

Pam Allyn (M.A. '88)-literacy expert, author and activist-is Executive Director of LitWorld, a non-profit she founded in 2008 to cultivate global literacy leaders through transformational literacy experiences that build connection, understanding, resilience and strength. She also founded LitLife, a national educational organization specializing in professional development for preK-12 literacy teachers. She has authored 26 acclaimed books for educators and families, including her most recent book with Dr. Ernest Morrell, Every Child a Super Reader: 7 Strengths to Open a World of Possible (Scholastic, 2015). Known for her work with our nation’s most at-risk children, Allyn leads teachers, families, and communities to adopt the best practices for literacy instruction in schools and homes across the U.S. and internationally. Pam’s work reaches over 25 countries through year-round literacy-based empowerment programs. Over 100 countries celebrate World Read Aloud Day, a special day created by Pam and her colleagues, which honors the power and value of the read aloud.   

Dr. Arthur Chickering (Ph.D. '58) is one of the leading researchers in student development theory. His ideas and research have helped higher education administrators understand the developmental progress of their students and acted as a foundation for other student development theories that have since been detailed following his first influential publication in 1969, Education and Identity. He introduced the seven vector theory of students’ development in college, a departure from stages and phases of progression toward maturation, autonomy, and identity-formation. Chickering has been an esteemed teacher- scholar, coordinator of assessment, and senior administrator in higher education for well over 40 years. As founding Vice President of Academic Affairs of SUNY-Empire State College, he is credited with playing a pivotal role in developing Empire State College.
Dr. Madeline Heilman (Ph.D. '72) is currently a Professor of Psychology at NYU and is one of the leading authorities on gender bias in the workplace. Heilman was a student of Morton Deutsch and built on this foundation of social justice research training that she received at TC and applied it to a population that had received little attention at the time she began her work. Heilman’s work has been cited in major media publications such as the New York Times and has been featured on television shows such as “Good Morning America.” Heilman’s work is the foundation for much of the unconscious bias training that is currently being utilized by corporations in their diversity efforts.

In August 2016, Dr. Tian Ming Sheu (E.D. '93) was appointed President of the National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) in Taiwan, which serves primarily as a national research institute, responsible for long-term, integrated and systematic research, for developing government policies. He will be leading educational reform in Taiwan, with particular focus on underserved populations. Sheu maintains his title as Professor of Educational Policy and Administration, at National Taiwan Normal University where he has taught since 2006. He has previously served as Chair, Department of Education; Director, Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration; Director, Graduate Institute of Curriculum & Instruction; Director, Center for Educational Research and Evaluation, NTNU in 2010, and Dean of the College of Education in 2013.

David J. Johns (M.A. ’06) is the executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. The Initiative works across federal agencies and with partners and communities nationwide to produce a more effective continuum of education programs for African American students. Prior to joining the Department, Johns was a senior education policy advisor to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) under the leadership of Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. Before working for the Senate HELP committee under Chairman Harkin, Johns served under the leadership of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. Johns also was a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Fellow in the office of Congressman Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. Johns has worked on issues affecting low-income and minority students, neglected youth and early childhood education and with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). His research as an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow served as a catalyst to identify, disrupt and supplant negative perceptions of black males within academia and society. Johns is committed to volunteer services and maintains an active commitment to improve literacy among adolescent minority males. Johns obtained a master’s degree in sociology and education policy at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he graduated summa cum laude while simultaneously teaching elementary school in New York City. He graduated with honors from Columbia University in 2004 with a triple major in English, creative writing and African American studies and was named to the Root100 in both 2014 and 2013.

Dr. Randy Bennett (Ed.D. '79) holds the Norman O. Frederiksen Chair in Assessment Innovation at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ. His research has focused on using advances in the learning sciences, technology, and measurement to design approaches to educational assessment that have positive impact on teaching and learning. His series of studies for the National Center on Education Statistics were the first to deliver performance assessments on computer to nationally representative samples of US students, and to use "clickstream" data in such samples to measure the processes used in problem solving. Those studies effectively laid the groundwork for moving the National Assessment of Educational Progress to technology delivery, which is to occur by 2017.

Dr. Olivia Hooker (M.A. '47) taught third grade before enlisting in the United States Coast Guard during World War II, becoming the first African-American woman to serve in active duty in the Coast Guard. She earned the rank of Yeoman, Second Class and went on to earn a master’s degree in Psychological Services at TC and a doctorate from the University of Rochester, where she was one of two black female students. She served in the Coast Guard until her unit disbanded in mid-1946. The 100-year-old pioneer was honored for her service in March 2015 in Staten Island at the USCG station where a dining hall in the facility was named after Dr. Hooker, along with a training facility at the Coast Guard’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. Dr. Hooker is also the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators.

Dr. MaryEllen McGuire (Ph.D. '02) is the founder and President of the Postsecondary National Policy Institute (PNPI), the leading source of professional development for Congressional staff who work on higher education issues. Prior to creating PNPI, MaryEllen served on the White House Domestic Policy Council as President Obama’s senior advisor for education. In this capacity she was tasked with developing and advancing the President’s higher education agenda, including the 2010 passage of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA). Prior to her work at the White House, MaryEllen worked in the U.S. Senate on the Heath, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee where she was the staff director for the Subcommittee on Children and Families and played a lead role in the 2008 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. In addition, she directed the Educational Policy Program at New America where she oversaw policy studies on a wide range of education issues. Through her work in and outside of the federal government she has been instrumental in moving the federal postsecondary policy agenda based on her own scholarship and political expertise. 

Dr. Lida Orzeck (Ph.D. '72) is the co-owner of the beloved lingerie brand, Hanky Panky, which she founded with Gale Epstein in 1977.  Manufactured entirely in the US, it has a worldwide following. A Brooklyn native, Lida graduated from Barnard in 1968 and received her PhD from Teachers College in Social Psychology in 1972. Early in her career, she directed research for the NYC Police Department and Health and Hospitals Corporation. She serves as a Barnard Trustee and is on the board of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg (Ed.D. '61) is an expert in the areas of adult transitions, retirement, career development, adults as learners, and intergenerational relationships. She is the past President of the National Career Development Association, Co-President of a consulting group TransitionWorks. She is a Professor Emerita, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education at the University of Maryland. Nancy was the first woman executive at the American Council of Education (ACE) where she established the Office of Women in Higher Education (1973).  She has been noted and quoted within multiple publications and in television.

Dr. Yupha (Sookcharoen) Udomsakdi (M.A. '60) has spent her life ignoring limitations others have sought to place on her. She founded Thailand's first bachelor’s degree program in health education at Mahidol University, employing a “problem-solving process” in which health workers traveled to villages to “help people help themselves.” Graduates integrated health education into primary and secondary school curricula across Thailand. Dr. Udomsakdi established a faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity to teach social, economic and political education as well as helped establish the first Institute of Population in the country. With her track record, she was elected as a member of parliament for 4 terms and subsequently became the country's first female Minister of Education and the first woman MP to be appointed as a Minister in the Thai cabinet.  After her retirement from politics, she was elected to serve as a member and the Vice Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, leading to the creation of Thailand's most democratic constitution in 1997. She also worked as a consultant for UNICEF on women's and children's health.

Dr. Monisha Bajaj, Ed.D. ’05, is Associate Professor of International and Multicultural Education at the University of San Francisco, where she directs the MA program in Human Rights Education. She is the editor of the “Encyclopedia of Peace Education” and author of “Schooling for Social Change: The Rise and Impact of Human Rights Education in India” (winner of the Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award of the Comparative & International Education Society), as well as numerous articles. She has also developed curriculum—particularly related to peace education, human rights, anti-bullying efforts and sustainability—for non-profit organizations and inter-governmental organizations, such as UNICEF and UNESCO.

Dr. Christine Kim-Eng Lee, Ed.D. ’92, is Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Christine introduced Lesson Study, a platform for teacher development, to schools in Singapore through two R & D programs, Communities of Practice in Cooperative Learning (CoPCL) and Lesson Study as a Teacher-Directed Form of Instructional Improvement since 2005. She is the President of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), an organization that represents 29 countries. She is the prime mover in the development and launch of an NIE-TC Joint Masters in Leadership and Educational Change. Her recent edited book with NIE colleagues on Globalization and the Singapore Curriculum: From Policy and Practice is a seminal text used in graduate and in-service classes on educational reform and change leadership.

Dr. Mildred Garcia, Ed.D. ’87, is president of California State University, Fullerton, a comprehensive public university that ranks first in California in graduating Hispanics and fourth in the nation in graduating underrepresented students. She previously served as president of both CSU Dominguez Hills, where she was the first Latina president in the country’s largest system of public higher education, and Berkeley College, where she was the first system-wide president.

A first-generation college student, President García earned a Doctor of Education degree and a M.A. in Higher Education Administration from Columbia University, Teachers College; a M.A. in Business Education/Higher Education from New York University; and a B.S. in Business Education from Baruch College, City University of New York.

Dr. Anne Gayles-Felton, M.A. ’47, served as a teacher educator for fifty-five years, including forty-five years at the College of Education at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida, where she is professor emeritus. Dr. Gayles-Felton is considered a “Master Teacher,” and has been selected as one of 70 Distinguished Teacher Educators by the National Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). She also received Florida A&M University's Meritorious Achievement Award (the highest award given by the university). Dr. Gayles-Felton has established four scholarships and an educational fund to aid prospective teacher education students. She has served on countless state and national task forces for equal opportunity and minority education. Gayles-Felton is a member of the Grace Dodge Society. She holds an Ed.D. from the University of Illinois, a Professional Diploma and M.A. from Teachers College in Curriculum and Teaching, as well as a B.S. from Fort Valley State College.

Dr. William (Bill) Howe, Ed.D. ’91, is the State Title IX Coordinator and Education Consultant for Multicultural Education at the Connecticut State Department of Education. He is Past-Chair of the Connecticut Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs and Past-President of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME).  He is an adjunct professor of education at the University of Connecticut, Albertus Magnus College and Quinnipiac University. In 2006  he was named Multicultural Educator of the Year by NAME. In 2008, he was recognized at the 11th annual “Immigrant Day” at the Connecticut State Capitol, a day to honor immigrants from throughout Connecticut who have made valuable contributions to their communities and/or professions. His textbook “Becoming a Multicultural Educator: Developing Awareness, Gaining Skills, and Taking Action” by SAGE won the 2013 Philip C. Chinn Multicultural Book Award from NAME.

Robert Sherman, M.A. ’53, is a broadcaster, writer, teacher and radio personality. He is probably best known for his more than half century of service to WQXR, New York's premier classical music station, presiding in "The Listening Room" for 19 of those years. He continues to present "McGraw-Hill Financial's Young Artists Showcase" every week (a series that celebrated its 37th anniversary this past January), and he has hosted the annual Avery Fisher Career Grant Awards presentation at Lincoln Center since its inception. His multiple award-winning folk series "Woody's Children," now heard in New York on Public Radio WFUV, marked its 46th anniversary in January, 2015, and this past summer was aired on public television stations around the country.  Additionally, Sherman has served on the faculty of the Julliard School for nearly two decades and has given seminars at the Manhattan and Eastman Schools, the Mannes College of Music, Oberlin, Yale and Cal Arts. A music critic and columnist for the New York Times for over 25 years, Sherman has also written two books with Victor Borge, is the co-author of “The Smart Guide to Classical Music,” and compiled a pictorial biography of his mother – renowned pianist Nadia Reisenberg – with his brother, Alexander Sherman.  Robert Sherman has appeared as a concert narrator with such eminent ensembles as Canadian Brass, the United States Military Academy (West Point) Band, the Greenwich Symphony, the Hudson Valley Philharmonic, including performances of world premieres of works written especially for him by Seymour Barab, John Corigliano, William Mayer, Issachar Miron, Margarita Zelenaia, and Dina Pruzhansky. 

Dr. Eric Shyman, Ed.D. ’09, Assistant Professor of Special Education in the School of Education at Dowling College, is focused on teacher preparation in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), particularly in validating comprehensive approaches for educating individuals with ASD.  Shyman recently published the book Beyond Equality in the American Classroom: The Case for Inclusive Education (2013) and is Board Certified in Special Education by the American Association of Special Education Professionals. Shyman holds his Ed.D. in Special Education, Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Studies with a concentration in Instructional Leadership from TC, an M.S. in Special Education, Competency in Autism Spectrum Disorders (CASE) from Long Island University and a B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany.

Dr. James Gordon, Ed.D. ’85, is an internationally recognized physical therapy educator and researcher, and he currently serves as the Associate Dean and Chair of the Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy Program at the University of Southern California. Previously, Gordon was the Chair of the Physical Therapy Program at New York Medical College, which he started in 1996. Gordon is a fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association and has been one of the foremost thinkers in the area of motor learning and its application to persons with neurological conditions. Gordon holds an Ed.D. in Motor Learning as well as his M.E and M.A. from TC, in addition to a B.A. from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center.

Dr. David W. Johnson, Ed.D. ’66, full professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota, founded the Cooperative Learning Center at the University of Minnesota and established a network of school districts that conducted multi-year efforts to implement cooperative learning and the cooperative school. Johnson has authored over 500 research articles and book chapters and over 50 books, which have been translated into over 17 languages; he is also the former editor of the American Educational Research Journal (1981-1983). Johnson joined SANE in the early 1960s and has been involved in peace activism since then. Johnson holds an Ed.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology from TC and a B.A. in English from Ball State University.

Dr. Deborah Kenny, Ph.D. ’94, founder and CEO of Harlem Village Academies, is widely regarded as one of the most influential educational entrepreneurs in the country. Under her leadership, Harlem Village Academies has become a national model for education reform. Named by Oprah Magazine as one of the most powerful women in the country and recognized by Esquire in its annual “Best and Brightest” issue, Kenny is also the author of Born to Rise: A Story of Children and Teachers Reaching Their Highest Potential, which recounts her deeply personal dream to pursue social justice for our nation’s most vulnerable children. Kenny holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education, as well as an M.A. from Teachers College and a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Kate Parry, Ed.D. ’86, is a full professor in linguistics in the English Department at Hunter College. Parry received a TESOL Research Interest Section/Newbury House Distinguished Research Award in 1993. Parry trained in Uganda as a teacher of English and History and taught in an up-country secondary school for five years. She returned briefly to teach at Makerere University, and since has returned regularly, pursuing research in literacy practices and promoting literacy projects. Parry, Chair of the Uganda Community Libraries Association, has set up a library project near a trading center called Kitengesa, which she supports by raising funds in New York. Parry holds an Ed.D. and Ed.M. in Applied Linguistics from TC, a B.A. with Honors and an M.A. in History from Girton College in Cambridge, England, and a Dip. Ed. from Makerere College in Kampala, Uganda.

Ellen Condliffe Lagemann (PhD '78) is the Levy Institute Research Professor at Bard College, a Senior Scholar at the Levy Institute, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Bard Prison Initiative.  She previously served as Charles Warren Professor of the History of American Education at Harvard University, where she was also Dean of the Graduate School of Education, and as president of the Spencer Foundation, in Chicago, Illinois. In addition, Lagemann has been a professor of history and education at New York University, where she was founding chair of the Department of the Humanities and the Social Sciences and director of the Center for the Study of American Culture and Education in the School of Education. Before that she served on the faculty at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she was also Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Politics of Education and Editor of the Teachers College Record and a member of the faculty of the Columbia University (Faculty of Arts & Sciences) History Department. Lagemann is the author or editor of many books, articles, reviews, and book chapters. Her principal publications include: An Elusive Science: The Troubling History of Education Research (2000); Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities (1998); The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation, Philanthropy, and Public Policy (1992); Jane Addams on Education (1985) and A Generation of Women: Education in the Lives of Progressive Reformers (1979). Her most recent book (edited with Harry Lewis) is What is College For? The Public Purpose of Higher Education (2011). She is currently working on a book, tentatively entitled “America Imprisoned: Mass Incarceration and What We Can Do About It.”

Lagemann has been president of the National Academy of Education and of the History of Education Society. She served as co-chair of the National Research Council’s Committee on Teacher Preparation, whose report, Preparing Teachers: Building Evidence for Sound Policy, was published in 2010, and was a member of the Teaching Commission, chaired by Louis Gerstner. She has been a trustee of the Russell Sage, Greenwall, and Markle Foundations; vice-chair of the board of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral and Social Sciences in Stanford, California; and chair of the Social Science Committee on Philanthropy and the Non-Profit Sector. She also served on the boards of the Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy, of the District Management Council, both in Cambridge, MA., and of both Concord Academy, Concord, MA (where she was chair of the board), and Riverdale Country School, Bronx, NY.

Lagemann is a former high-school social studies teacher. She received her A.B. (cum laude) from Smith College in 1967, her MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and her Ph.D. in History and Education (with distinction) from Columbia University in 1978.

Sarah Bolson Barnett (MA ’08) joined The New York Botanical Garden in 2008 as the Manager of Foundation Relations. She was promoted to Associate Vice President for Foundation Relations in 2011,  reporting directly to the President and CEO. Sarah is responsible for raising more than $4 million each year in private foundation and government support.Before joining the Garden, Sarah held several positions in the arts and cultural field, including for Martin Vinik Planning for the Arts LLC, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NYC Office of Parks and Recreation and Playwrights Horizons. While at Teachers College, Sarah worked for the Research Center for Arts and Culture both as a Research Assistant and as the Columbia Culture Map Coordinator, and was the Special English Coordinator of the International Symposium on Georgian Art. Sarah graduated Magne Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts from Tufts University.

Sreyashi Jhumki Basu (PhD ’06) received a BA in Human Biology at Stanford University. Her undergraduate thesis brought her to Russia, where she interviewed homeless children and presented her outreach findings to UNICEF for implementation. For this work, she received the Deans Award for Best Dissertation in the School of Arts and Sciences. While at TC, from which she received her PhD in Science Education in 2006, Jhumki developed an after-school program for a South Bronx school and co-founded a public school in the Crown Heights area of Brooklyn. Upon graduating she worked at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, where she was awarded a research fellowship from the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation. She was promoted to associate professor and made tenure by 2008. Jhumki passed away in 2008, at the age 31, following a seven-year battle with breast cancer. The Jhumki Basu Foundation has since been created in her honor.

Jody Gottfried Arnhold (MA ’73) has been a visionary dance educator and influential advocate for dance for more than 40 years. She has been instrumental in promoting effective governance and program  development for a wide range of dance and education institutions. Jody founded the Dance Education Laboratory(DEL) at the 92nd Street Y in New York, which was recently recognized as Best Program by the National Dance Education Organization. Jody taught in NYC public schools for 5 years, providing her with the practical experience that has guided her dance education efforts. She was instrumental in developing the most robust citywide guide to dance curricula for public schools. She serves as Co-Chair for the creation of the NYC Department of Education Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Dance Grades PreK-12. She also serves on the Advisory Council for Arts Education for the NYC DOE, is Chair of the Hunter College Dance Advisory Committee, Vice Chair of the Board of the Center for Arts Education and Chairman of the Dance Center Task Force at the 92Y, where she serves on the Board. For 26 years, Jody served on the Board of Ballet Hispanico and held the position of Chair of the Board from 1995 to 2011.

Erika Himmel (MA ’59) has contributed to the development of standardized assessment procedures that have been a key feature in the operation of the educational system in Chile for close to half a century, including the University Admission Test (PAA) and the Education  Quality Measurement System (SIMCE). She has also pursued an extensive career in research and teaching and has participated decisively in advancing the capabilities of Chile in social and educational research and evaluation at Universidad de Chile. She has taught social scientists and teachers for more than 25 years, while  also serving as Vice President of Academic Affairs at la Universidad Católica de Chile, here she was named Professor Emeritus in 2010. She has designed and implemented dozens of research projects that set the standard for studies on factors affecting school and university performance, preschool learning, quality of secondary school education,and the effect of educational improvement programs implemented under public policies. In 2011 she was awarded the Premio Nacional en Ciencias de la Educación by the Chilean government.

Chong Yang Kim (EdD ’83) is a prominent education leader in Korea who began teaching at Hanyang University in 1982 before eventually serving as the university’s President for 18 years. He is now the chairman of the board of trustees of the Hanyang University Foundation, located in Seoul, which in addition to the university itself, includes a kindergarten, an elementary school, middle and high schools, a women’s college, a cyber-university, two hospitals and several profitable organizations.

Susan Jay Spungin (EdD ’75) is known nationally and internationally as an expert in the education and rehabilitation of individuals who are visually impaired. She has had extensive consultative experience, has been invited to speak to national and international audiences, has published widely and has coordinated many  workshops and meetings. She retired from her employment with the American Foundation for the Blind in 2009 after 36 years of service,coordinating and serving as Vice President of AFB’s International Programs and Special Projects. Presently she is President of Blind Biz Inc. a consulting firm that serves blind or visually impaired individuals of all ages, as well as organizations and universities that work in direct service and training.

Bobby Susser (MA ’87) earned his master’s in Communication Arts and Sciences in Early Childhood Education at Teachers College. He has written and produced original,easy-to-learn, award-winning children’s songs since 1972, as well as internationally acclaimed popular songs for all ages. Bobby works with several types of singers and musicians depending upon the song, style,and subject matter. He has sold over 5 million CDs, produced 25 albums,and entertained and taught lessons to scores of children through his songs. Along the way, he has received dozens of awards from respected children’s, parenting and educational organizations. A very special project in his career was recording and contributing an official theme song to the world-renowned St. Jude Children’s Hospital. His latest album, for children of all ages, is titled WO! Upon its release, one review stated, “Bobby Susser has raised the bar in children’s music,higher than we could have imagined.”

Jeffrey Sachs
Sachs is the director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is also a special advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. For more than 20 years Professor Sachs has been in the forefront of the challenges of economic development, poverty alleviation, and enlightened globalization, promoting policies to help all parts of the world to benefit from expanding economic opportunities and well-being. He is considered to be the leading international economic adviser of his generation. He is author of hundreds of scholarly articles and many books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Price of Civilization.

Pola Rosen '80
Rosenis a graduate of Barnard College and completed her doctoral work in special education at Teachers College, Columbia University. She served as a teacher, supervisor and professor of special education at CUNY. For the past 15 years, she has been the publisher of Education Update, a newspaper with over 100,000 readers that receives over 2 million hits on its website ( monthly. She has won numerous awards for her work and serves on the boards of Landmark College in Vermont and the Kennedy Child Study Center in NYC as well as on the Education Dean’s Advisory Council at Mercy College in Westchester County.

Betty Perez-Rivera '03
Perez-Rivera is the Director of the East Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence Walk-In Center and spearheaded, wrote, and presented the Family Asthma Guide, now used nationwide.

Kevin Jennings ’94
Jennings was the Assistant Deputy Secretary on the Obama Administration for the office of Safe & Drug-free Schools. He is the CEO and president of“Be the Change” (a non-profit) and established the nation’s first Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA). 

Lucille Joel ’70
Joel is an expert in the field of nursing. She has written and presented on nursing and health issues on the local, national and international level and is a tenured professor at Rutgers University, where she has taught for over 20 years. 

John King
King is the New York Commissioner of Education and President of the University of the State of New York. He serves on U.S. Department of Education’s Equity and Excellence Commission. 

Harold J. Noah '64
Noahis an internationally recognized authority in Comparative Education. He is Gardner Cowles Professor Emeritus in Economics and Education, and former Dean of Teachers College. He has given his name to the Harold J.Noah Alumni Award in International and Comparative Education for alumni within the program. 

Robert Schaffer '52 
Schaffer founded Schaffer Consulting and has authored books such as The Breakthrough Strategy; Rapid Results; High-Impact Consulting. Since the1960s, thousands of individuals have trained under Schaffer in his“High-Impact Consulting Workshop” - the longest running professional workshop for staff consultants).

Ian K. Smith ’93
Smith is currently a medical contributor to ABC’s nationally syndicated, “The View”, a medical columnist for Men’s Health magazine, and the medical/diet expert on VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club.” Smith is also the host of the nationally syndicated radio show Healthwise on American Urban Radio Networks. Smith created the "50 Million Pound Challenge” and the “Makeover Mile” and has published multiple books including the Fat Smash Diet and Happy. Smith has been appointment by President Obama to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.

Janna Spark '79
Sparks studied interdisciplinary psychology courses in the Special Education doctoral program. Besides testing, diagnosing and treatment, Spark has developed a unique multi-sensory program, Brain Train, published by Simon & Schuster, which utilizes music to help processing information and develop competence in tasks requiring an integration of skills. Sparks has also published Goose and Hug ’O War and is also an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.

Paul O’Neill ’01
O’Neill is an education attorney, author and professor who focuses on guiding education organizations through challenges and growth. O’Neill has held lead attorney positions in government, boutique education law firms, a non-profit organization, and the private sector. He is currently President of Tugboat Education Services, which advises education reform organizations on regulatory and strategic matters, and a Principal in the boutique education law practice group of Cohen Schneider LLP.

Samuel P. Peabody ’59
Peabody founded Reality House, a drug rehabilitation center in northern Manhattan before becoming the director of Broad Jump, a nonprofit for at-risk students. While there, he helped found Prep for Prep, a program that places promising students of color in independent schools throughout the Northeast and helps support them through to college. He also served as chair of the Citizen’s Committee for Children before retiring.

Violeta Petroska-Beshka ’83
Petroska-Beshka is a professor of psychology at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. She is a co-founder and co-director of the Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, a training and research center dedicated to promoting human rights and advancing diversity education and conflict resolution in multicultural settings. She works closely with UNICEF and USAID funded organizations as a leading player in efforts to reform the education system throughout the country.

Diane Ravitch ’75
Ravitch is Research Professor of Education at New York University and a historian of education. In addition, she is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. She shares a blog called Bridging Differences with Deborah Meier, hosted by Education Week and also blogs for and the Huffington Post. Her articles have appeared in many newspapers and magazines. She is the author of 10 books.

Ruth Christ Sullivan ’53
Sullivan, an advocate for autism for over 40 years, is the founder and executive director of the Autism Services Center in Huntington, WV. She was the first president of the National Society for Autistic Children, now Autism Society of America and founded several local and state chapters. She was the first autism lobbyist in US Congress and two states. Sullivan is an expert witness for court proceedings, a public speaker and a consultant, most notably for the movie “Rain Man.”

Samuel Totten ’85
Since 1987, Totten has taught at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, where he co-developed the Middle Level Master of Arts Program (MAT) and founded the Northwest Arkansas Writing Project (NWAWP). Totten’s passion in life and the primary focus of his research is the prevention and intervention of genocide and is the co-founding editor of Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal (University of Toronto Press).

Nahas Angula, Prime Minister of Namibia, M. Ed. 1979; MA 1978 Curriculum & Teaching
Ulysses Byas, MA 1952, Educational Administration

Luis Rios, Jr., M.Phil 2001, Teaching of Spanish, Education Consultant, California Department of Education

The Reverend Lesley George Anderson, Ed.D. 1987, International Education Development, President, of the United Theological Seminary of the West Indies

Raphael M. Ortiz, Ed.D. 1982, Analysis of Art Teaching, Founder of Museo Del Barrio

Viola Vaughn, Ed.D 1984, Health Education,  Founder of 10,000 Girls in Senegal, West Africa

Vivian Ota Wang, Ph.D 1995, Counseling Psychology, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Agency Representative of the National Science and Technology Council

Keiichi Ogawa,  Ph.D. 1999, M. Phil 1997, M.A. 1997, Ed. M. 1995, Comparative International Ed. / Econ of Ed

Edward Dunkelblau, M. Ed. 1976, Vocational & Rehabilitation Counseling

Joan Dye Gussow, Ed.D. 1975, M.Ed. 1974, Nutrition Education
Patricia Lynne Duffy, M.A., TESOL, 1981
Rawley Applebaum Silver, M.A. Ed. - Fine Arts, 1936

Michael Lowry, M.A. 2005, Educational Administration

Sharon K. Ryan, Ed.D. 1998, Early Childhood Education 

Susan H. Fuhrman, Ph.D. 1977, Political Science and Education
Anie Kalayjian, Ed.D. 1986, Nursing Education
Leah Cahan Schaefe, Ed.D. 1964, Family and Community Education

Erick Gordon, M.A. 1996, Ed.M. 2005, Teaching of English

Joyce B. Cowin, M.A. 1952, Curriculum and Teaching

Rachel Moore, M.A. 1994, Arts Administration

Dorothy Singer, Ed.D. 1966, Clinical Psychology

Barbara Storper, M.S. 1982, Nutrition Education

Michael Bitz, Ed.M. 1996, Ed.D. 1998, Music and Music Education

Adeyinka Akinsulure-Smith, M.A. 1991, Ed.M. 1992, MPHIL 1995, Ph.D. 1997, Counseling Psychology

Hawthorne Smith, MPHIL 1996, Ph.D. 1999, Counseling Psychology

John Fanselow, Ph.D. 1971, Language, Literature & Social Studies

Robert Hilliard,  
Ph.D. 1959, Communication & Theatre Arts

Kathleen Dunlevy Morin, 
M.A. 1977, Ed.M. 1978, Ed.D. 1985, Urban Education

Thomas S. Popkewitz, M.A. 1964, Curriculum and Teaching

Sheila Amato, M.A. 1975, Health Education. Ed.M. 1996, Instructional Practices in Special Education.  Ed.D. 2000, Blind and Visual Impairment.

Betty Reardon, Ed.D. 1985, International Education Development.

Lan Tran Gien
, Ed.M. Nursing Education.

Martin Haberman
, M.A. 1957, Ed.D. 1962, Curriculum & Teaching.

Rita Gold
*, M.A. 1962, English Education.

Ruth Gottesman
, M.A. 1958, Remedial Reading. Ed.D. 1968, Human Cognition & Learning.

Frances McCue, Ed.D. 2001, English Education.

Jill Wilkinson Sheffield, M.A. 1963, Comparative & International Education.

Betty J. Sternberg
, M.A. 1972, Mathematics Education.

Ian K. Smith, M.A. 1993, Science Education.

Lois Bloom, Ph.D. 1968, Psychology.

Mort Lindsey
, M.A. 1948, Ed.M. 1974, Music and Music Education.

Ellen Condliffe Lagemann
, MA 1968 PhD 1978 Philosophy.

Edmund W. Gordon, Ed.D. 1957, Child Development and Guidance.

Betty Louise Sullivan
, M.E. 1984, Ed.D. 1992, Language, Literature and Social Studies.

Darlene Yee-Melichar
, M.S. 1984, Ed.D. 1985, Health Education.

Joseph L. Dionne, Ed.D. 1965, Curriculum and Teaching.

Barbara Loomis Jackson, M.A. 1967, Sociology of Education.

Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick
, M.Ed. 1982, Ed.D. 1986, Higher Education.

Alice A. Wilder, Ed.D. 1998, Educational Psychology.

Angela C. Santomero, M.A. 1995, Developmental Psychology.

Edith B. Everett, M.A. 1950, Student Personnel Administration.

Bonnie Jean Leadbeater
, Ph.D. 1986, Developmental Psychology.

Robert A. Lefranc
, M.A. 1947, Curriculum and Teaching.

Margaret L. McClure
, M.A. 1962, Ed.D. 1972, Nursing Service Administration.

Norman Atkins, M.A. 1997, Educational Administration.

Grace E. Shen, Ed.D. 1988, Arts in Education.

Jerome T. Murphy, M.A. 1962, Mathematics and Science Education.

Bert Konowitz, Ed.D. 1969, Music and Music Education.

Frances O'Connell Rust, Ed.D. 1984, Curriculum and Teaching.

Amelia Augustus, Ed.D. 1970, Comparative and International Education.

Elizabeth Gotbaum, M.A. 1967, Philosophy and the Social Sciences.

Joseph Hankin, Ed.D. 1967, Higher and Adult Education.

Robert Piemonte, Ed.D. 1976, Nursing Education.

Donaldson T.L.O. Byrd, Ed.D. 1983, Music and Music Education.

Sharon Lynn Kagan
, Ed.D. 1979, Curriculum and Teaching.

Homer Kempfer* 
, Ed.D. 1941, Educational Administration.

Michael A. Carrera, Ed.D. 1970, Health Education.

Selma Weintraub Greenberg* , Ed.D. 1966, Curriculum and Teaching.

Shirley M. Stinson, Ed.D. 1969, Nursing Education.

Irene Trowell-Harris, Ed.D. 1983, Health Education.

Joanna Chan, Ed.D. 1977, Languages, Literature and Social Studies.

E. Gordon Gee
, Ed.D. 1972, Higher and Adult Education.

Yvonne B. Miller
, M.A. 1963, Curriculum and Teaching.

Morton Schindel
, M.A. 1947, Curriculum and Teaching.

Dorothy J. del Bueno, B.S. 1966, Ed.D. 1976, Nursing Education.

Herbert M. Kliebard
, Professional Diploma 1958, Ed.D. 1963, Curriculum and Teaching.

M. Powell Lawton*
, Ph.D. 1952, Psychology.

Richard P. Mills
, Ed.D. 1977, Education Administration.

Margaret Tayler Anderson* , M.A. 1967, Professional Diploma 1970, Guidance.

Arthur H. Cunningham* 
, M.A. 1957, Music and Music Education.

Barbara F. Goodman
*, M.A. 1954, Early Childhood Education.

John F. Kullberg*
, Ed.D. 1976, Higher and Adult Education.

Huan Lee
, M.A. 1956, Educational Administration.

Ruth Watson Lubic
, B.S. 1959, M.A. 1961, Nursing Education; Ed.D. 1979, Philosophy and the Social Sciences (Anthropology and Education).

June Machover Reinisch
, M.A. 1970; Ph.D. 1976, Clinical Psychology

Gene Raymond Carter, Sr., Ed.D. 1973, Curriculum and Teaching.

Elizabeth Kitson, M.A. 1969, Guidance.

Eleanor C. Lambertsen* , B.S. 1949, M.A. 1950, Ed.D. 1957, Nursing Education.

Orrea Florence Pye* , Ph.D. 1943, Nutrition Education.

Ruth Westheimer, Ed.D. 1970, Home and Family Life.

William Patrick Foster*, Ed.D. 1955, Music and Music Education.

Erline Perkins McGriff*, Ed.D. 1967, Nursing Education.

Joseph Shenker*, Ed.D. 1969, Higher Education.

Leon Howard Sullivan*, M.A. 1947, Religious Education.

Kenneth D. Benne* , Ph.D. 1944, Philosophy and the Social Sciences.

Louis Forsdale*, M.A. 1947, Audio-Visual Education;
Ed.D. 1951, Teaching of English.

Catherine Brice Bozeman* , B.S., M.A., Professional Diploma 1949,
Curriculum and Teaching.

Albert Ellis*, M.A. 1943, Ph.D. 1947, Clinical Psychology,
Curriculum and Teaching.

Herman A. Estrin* , M.A. 1942, Curriculum and Teaching;
Professional Diploma 1950, and Ed.D. 1954, Guidance.

Walter E. Sindlinger* , M.A. 1939, Teaching of English;
Ed.D. 1956, Higher Education.

Paul G. Bulger*, Ed.D. 1951, Educational Administration.

Paul R. Hanna* , M.A. 1925, Ph.D., 1929, Curriculum and Teaching.

Carroll F. Johnson, M.A. 1947, Ed.D. 1950, Educational Administration.

Mildred L. Montag*, M.A. 1938, Ed.D. 1950, Nursing Education.

E. Alma Flagg, Ed.D. 1955, Guidance.

Thomas H. Kean, M.A. 1963, Social Studies.

Joseph M. Chamberlain, M.A. 1950, Ed.D. 1962, Educational Administration.

Shirley S. Chisholm, M.A. 1951, Professional Diploma 1961, Curriculum and Teaching.

Lois B. Murphy*, Ph.D. 1937, Psychology.

Donald E. Super* , Ph.D. 1940, Psychology.

Louis T. Benezet*, Ph.D. 1929, Educational Administration.

Esther M. Lloyd-Jones* , B.S. 1944, Guidance and
Student Personnel Administration.

Elbert K. Fretwell, Ph.D. 1953, Educational Administration.

Nathaniel Gibbon, Jr.* , M.A. 1939, Business Education.

Ruth L. Farkas* , M.A. 1932, Languages and Literature.

Eda LeShan*, B.S. 1944, Curriculum and Teaching.

David Randolph*, M.A. 1942, Music Education.

Robert Earl Kinsinger, Ed.D. 1958, Guidance.

Esther E. Peterson*, M.A. 1930, Physical Education.

Luns C. Richardson, M.A. 1958, Educational Administration.

Millie C. Almy*, M.A. 1945, Ph.D. 1948, Curriculum and Teaching.

May Edward Chinn, B.S. 1921, Science Education.

Anna Mae McCabe Hays, B.S. 1958, Nursing Education.

Roma Gans*, B.S. 1926, Ph.D. 1940, Curriculum and Teaching.

David Hyatt*, M.A. 1948, Ed.D. 1959, Languages and Literature.

Martha E. Rogers*, M.A. 1949, Nursing Education.

Vivian H. T. Tom, M.A. 1961, Social Studies.

Todd Duncan*, student 1930, Languages, Literature, Speech, and Theater.

Mildred Dunnock*, M.A. 1933, Languages, Literature, Speech, and Theater.

Harold Miller, M.A. 1948, Social Studies.

Thelma Adair, M.A. 1945, Ed.D. 1959, Curriculum and Teaching.

Charles Henry Alston*, M.A. 1931, Art and Art Education.

Alice Manheim Kaplan*, student 1925, Art and Art Education.

Rollo May*, Ph.D. 1949, Psychology.

William H. Schuman*, B.S. 1935, M.A. 1937, Music and Music Education.

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