- William D. Rueckert, Chair
- Leslie Morse Nelson, Vice Chair
- Thomas Bailey
- Lee C. Bollinger
- Denise Glyn Borders
- Reveta F. Bowers
- Laura E. Butzel
- George J. Cigale
- Geoffrey J. Colvin
- James P. Comer
- Joyce Berger Cowin
- Charles Desmond
- Nancy Rauch Douzinas
- Dawn Duquès
- Lise B. Evans
- Ruth L. Gottesman
- Patricia Green
- Helen Kahng Jaffe
- Paul LeClerc
- Eduardo J. Marti
- C. Kent McGuire
- Dailey Pattee
- Valerie Rockefeller
- Caroline Fribourg Rosen
- Marla L. Schaefer
- Edith Shih
- Nancy K. Simpkins
- Carole L. Sleeper
- Laura J. Sloate
- Camilla M. Smith
- Joshua N. Solomon
- Milbrey “Missie” Rennie Taylor
- Jay Urwitz
- Sue Ann Weinberg
- Bruce G. Wilcox
+ Thomas Bailey, Ph.D., President of the College (Effective July 2018)
+ Katie Conway, Ed.D., Secretary to the College and Chief of Staff
Katie Embree, Ed.D., Vice Provost
Michael Feierman, General Counsel
Susan Fuhrman, Ph.D., President Emerita (In office through June 2018)
+ Thomas James, Ph.D., Provost & Dean of the College
+ Suzanne M. Murphy, Ed.M., Vice President for Development & External Affairs
Janice S. Robinson, Esq., Vice President for Diversity & Community Affairs
Harvey Spector, Vice President for Finance & Administration (In office through October 2018)
JoAnne Williams, Vice President for Finance & Administration (Effective February 2019)
Nancy W. Streim, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for School & Community Partnerships;
Special Advisor to the Provost, Columbia University
+ Officer of the College
Faculty & President Emerita
- Susan H. Fuhrman
Honorary & Emeriti Trustees
- Cory A. Booker
- Patricia M. Cloherty
- Antonia M. Grumbach
- Marjorie L. Hart
- Elliot S. Jaffe
- A. Clark Johnson, Jr.
- Thomas H. Kean
- John Klingenstein *
- Roland M. Machold
- Enid W. Morse
- J. Richard Munro
- Jeffrey M. Peek
- Charles O. Prince III
- Elihu Rose
- E. John Rosenwald, Jr.
- Donald M. Stewart
- Laurie M. Tisch
* Deceased
The President’s Advisory Council is comprised of a distinguished group of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, including academia, policy making, and business who are a source of experience and expertise for the President of Teachers College.
- Andrés A. Alonso
- James G. Best
- Anne O'H. Burleigh
- Alice G. Elgart
- Nicole Elliott
- Jinny M. Goldstein
- Jon M. Gruenberg
- Debra S. Heinrich
- Frances Hesselbein
- Jill W. Iscol
- Leonard Jacoby
- Jonathan A. Knee
- Lisa J. Kohl
- Mariam S. Korangy
- Phyllis L. Kossoff
- Melinda S. Krei
- Betsy Shur Levy
- Harold O. Levy *
- James P. Levy
- Roy Lewicki
- Thomas L. Rogers
- Christina M. Capodilupo Schwefel
- Janna Spark
- Alberta Strage
- Charla J. Tindall
- Charo Uceda
- Elisa Gabelli Wilson
- Elaine R. Wolfensohn
* Deceased
- Marion Boultbee, President
- Philip Geiger, President-Elect
- Galit Ben-Joseph
- Megan Benay
- Renee Blumstein
- Beatrice Bridglall
- Jane Brown
- Jessica Cardichon
- Arnold Fege
- Rachel Gevetz
- Carmine Gibaldi
- James Gibaldi
- Michael Gillespie
- Lianna Gomori-Ruben
- Eric Hassler
- David Hoff
- Allan Hoffman
- Jennifer Iervolino
- Brian Kennerly
- Delmy Lendof
- Emmanuel "Noel" Leyco
- Shenzhan Liao
- Leticia Lyle
- Rory McCourt
- Kathleen McNally
- Peter Moock
- Jane Neapolitan
- Belinda Nicholson
- Robert Obrotha
- Katherine "Kate" Shasha
- Jalene Spain Thomas
- Courtney Steers
- Vanessa Tesoriero
- Ricco Wright