Deans Office Seeking Applicants for Doctoral Apprenticeships
Doctoral students who are preparing for careers involving educational research may now apply for one of six Research Training Grants at Teachers College funded by the Spencer Foundation.
The Spencer R.T.G. apprenticeships provide a stipend of $1,200 a month for three years, up to 42 points of tuition credit and $1,835 per year for professional expenses.
The program is part of an effort to create stimulating research opportunities for students, according to Associate Dean William J. Baldwin. The grant recipients will spend 15 hours a week working with faculty research teams and will participate in College-wide Spencer meetings.
The College reviewed ideas for research projects from faculty and recently selected three proposals:
A Community of Researchers' Approach to Doctoral Education--proposed by Professors Deanna Kuhn, John Black and Benjamin Bell;
Continuity of Care and Educational Experience in Early Childhood--proposed by Professors Susan Recchia, Leslie Williams, Celia Genishi and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn; and
School-Based Teacher Education Research and Development--proposed by Professors Angela Calabrese-Barton, Peter Cookson, Eileen Donoghue, A. Lin Goodwin, Gary Griffin, Elaine Howes, Celia Oyler and Frances Schoonmaker.
Two apprentices will be selected for each project.
For more information about eligibility and the application process, call the Dean's office at ext. 3050 or stop by Room 122 Main Hall.
Published Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2002