Institute on Education and Government Hosts Governors' Policy Advisors
The Institute on Education and Government hosted the 1999 Annual Institute for Governors' Education Policy Advisors. The event was co-sponsored by the National Governors' Association (NGA), Center for Best Practices and included representatives from more than 20 states.The event provided an opportunity for Governors' Education Policy Advisors (GEPAs) to engage experts on key policy topics such as: pay-for-performance, teacher quality, school leadership, state accountability systems, the importance of effective communication, federal legislation, school safety, school choice, and the state's role in assisting low-performing schools.
The program began with an orientation session for recently appointed governors' education policy advisors. The GEPAs shared insights about the importance of forming a strong relationship with the chief of staff and pollsters, the need to spend time in schools, and a willingness to ask questions.
Participants discussed the role of higher education in producing high quality teachers. President Levine described ten emerging trends that are having a tremendous impact on higher education. Among these trends are the importance of reducing class size, the need to revamp schools of education and professional development programs, strategies to attract new teachers, the ways in which new technologies may change the face of higher education, and the increasing role of the private sector in education.
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001