Memorial and Honorary Gifts | Teachers College Columbia University

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Memorial and Honorary Gifts

We recognize with gratitude the following donors who have made memorial and honorary gifts to the TC Fund
We recognize with gratitude the following donors who have made memorial and honorary gifts to the TC Fund

In Memory

In memory of Margaret Anderson, Dr. Sloan R. Wayland

In memory of Dr. Robert E. Baker, Mr. George R. Johnson

In memory of Samuel Cohen, Mr. Maurice D. Debar

In memory of Walter E. Coleman, Mrs. Janet E. Carter

In memory of Dr. Lawrence Cremin, Mr. Jonathan J. Clark

In memory of Dr. Willard Elsbree, Mr. Roger A. Dunning

In memory of Mrs. Peggy Fybish, Mr. Stephen S. Fybish

In memory of Professor Roma Gans, Mrs. Edith G. McClearn

In memory of Dr. Edward L. Goldsmith, Mrs. Minnie B. Goldsmith

In memory of Eleanor Anne Gregory, Mr. John N. Gregory

In memory of Beatrice Hurst, Ms. E. Jeanne Whornham

In memory of John I. Kinney, Ms. Bettye J. Kinney

In memory of Jean S. W. Kouba, Mr. John W. Kouba, Jr.

In memory of Eleanor Lambertson, Ms. Maria C. PhaneufMrs. Anna Marie Runte

In memory of Gladys Lyon, Mr. Raymond Haffen, Mrs. Penny L. Harshman, Mrs. Irene Heister, Ms. Barbara Seaman

In memory of Alice Miel, Dr. Oliver S. Loud, Dr. Judy Ann McKee, Dr. Samuel Ralph Powers, Dr. Louise Sause

In memory of Walter Rogers, Dr. Edward R. Savage

In memory of Ms. Adah W. Saunders, Ms. Beverley Y. Barr, Ms. Mary Gagliano, Ms. Barbara Granger, Ms. Elizabeth Hromiko, Ms. Martha Larson, Ms. Irene Levinbook, Ms. Sarilyn Martinez

In memory of Jerome M. Shostak, Mrs. Joan M. Shostak

In memory of Mr. Idwal J. Thomas, Mrs. Anne C. Thomas

In memory of Donald Weekes, Mrs. Betty L. Weekes

In memory of Professor Max Wise, Dr. Yasuyuki Owada

In Honor

In honor of Professor Leslie Beebe, Dr. Tomoko Takahashi

In honor of Mary Crystal Cage, Dr. Arthur E. Levine

In honor of John Klingenstein, Mr. Paul S. Bilgore, Mr. Lewis B. Cullman, Mrs. Joanne B. Matthews

In honor of Margaret Nye, Ms. Carol MacDonald-Nye

In honor of 105 years of Teachers College, Dr. Ruth S. Lefkowitz

In honor of Dr. Albert S. Thompson, Dr. Lois J. Forbes

In honor of Dr. Daniel Wagner, Mr. Stanley Wagner

Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001


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