TC Fund Plays an Important Part in The Campaign for Teachers College
It is this sense of urgency that has led Teachers College to accept one of its most significant challenges. In November 1999, the College hosted a gala kickoff to announce its $140 million campaign-the largest capital campaign ever undertaken by a school of education. Those who support this effort are more than donors; they are helping Teachers College hone the skills, conduct the research, and shape public debate about the future of education. The TC Fund is an essential part of this endeavor.
The TC Fund raised $1,173,413 during the 1999 fiscal year. Unrestricted giving to the College continues to be strong thanks to support from trustees, alumni, current and former faculty and staff members, and other friends of education. Contributions to the TC Fund make an invaluable difference, helping to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and operating expenses while providing the College with the flexibility to address its greatest needs. These include scholarship aid, faculty development, campus-wide renovations, new technology, and academic initiatives. Through the TC Fund, the College prepares the next generation of leaders-teachers, scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers who influence decision making in this country and around the world.
TC extends its appreciation to the 5,544 donors to the TC Fund for investing in the future of education and actively supporting both the legacy and the innovations that Teachers College has embraced. President Levine believes, "We're the one best hope for tomorrow. We're looking at the hard questions. We're trying to develop intelligent solutions to solve the problems. That's worth investing in."
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001