For Web Novices and Web Mavens Alike, The TC Web Reference Guide
Whether you're a novice in Web development or a Web maven, it's always helpful to have a place to go for pointers and information. That's why the Web Advisory Group of Teachers College has put together a TC Web Reference guide online at The intended audience for this site ranges from Web authors at TC (which may include students, faculty or staff members) to anyone who wants to find out more about the latest developments of TC Web.
"It's always good to know that there's a place within the overall structure of the Web site where we [Web authors] can go," Michelle Bugay said. Bugay, a M.A. student in the TESOL program, is the designated Web author for the TESOL program Web site and the Applied Linguistics program Web site. "If you're new to this, like I am, it's nice to have a place to go to learn."The goals of the new, mini Web site are to provide a more effective way of communication, increase awareness of TC Web, and make developing Web sites-such as program sites, department sites, or faculty sites-more efficient for the entire TC community.
The site contains information on what's new on TC Web; general information on TC Web; the role of the Web Advisory Group and who its members are; how to publish on TC Web (and a form to request server access); a recommended style guide; templates and graphics available in a wide-range of colors for quick downloading; developer resources, including a list of authoring tools, graphics tools, and helpful Web development sites; frequently asked questions; a place to submit comments; and the site will also contain policies to follow when creating and maintaining Web sites on TC Web. Future plans for the site include a chat area for TC Web developers and sample code.Since TC Web is expanding rapidly, yet Web sites are often developed independently on a department-by-department basis, many Web authors could benefit from a site that would provide some technical and editorial guidance. According to Bugay, often you may be creating a site for people in your department who are not aware of the level of work involved; therefore, in order to cater to the needs of those who want the site completed you need to know the most efficient way to do things.
In tandem with the reference guide, there will be monthly meetings open to all Web authors within the TC Community, hosted by TC Webmaster, Joel Wennik, and TC Web Editor, Krista McNamara. The goal of these meetings is to provide an open forum for Web authors to share their ideas with each other, ask questions, and to find out about new technical offerings and site developments they could all benefit from. One Web author, for example, may have a better way of using a certain technology than another. And the meetings would be the place to collaborate and share your knowledge with the others. Faculty members could benefit from the open forum and reference guide as well-especially with reference to their own professional Web sites.
Published Saturday, Apr. 13, 2002