Straight to Internet Video: Capital Campaign Video on TC Web
Are you curious about what Bill Cosby has to say about Teachers College? How about violinist Isaac Stern or maybe legendary newsman Walter Cronkite?
If so, point your Web browsers to the Capital Campaign site for Teachers College. An eight-minute video that documents the impact of Teachers College on education in New York City and far beyond has been added to the TC Web site. It can be viewed through a Web browser, in your office, in the computer labs, in your home, or anywhere there is at least a recent model computer with a fast modem connection to the Internet.
The campaign video was developed last year by the Office of External Affairs, Joseph Brosnan, Vice President of Development and External Affairs, and Laurie LaMothe, Executive Director of Development with the video expertise of Andrew Greenspan and Associates. It features a number of faculty and students speaking about their work both inside and outside of Teachers College as well as illuminating insight from the aforementioned luminaries.
"The video doesn't have a story line about all the programs at Teachers College but shows the vibrancy of Teachers College in its academic framework and in its outreach," said Barry Rosen, Executive Director of External Affairs. The video, according to Rosen, adds depth to the Capital Campaign Web site. "If a person reads the case statement and sees the video, they get a clearer idea about the TC's impact," he added.
"The reason to put this on the web is to reach a potentially wide audience that you could not reach on an individual basis," said Rosen.
Currently, the video is being presented at events and conferences around the country and being added as a new component to Alumni receptions. It is also being used to follow up with people who were unable to attend the campaign kickoff in November. "It is an outreach tool for us, an opportunity to update and give people more information," said Laurie LaMothe, Executive Director of Development, "It's a beautiful piece and gives TC a national presence in education."
The video on the TC Web site utilizes the streaming features of Real Media, a method of sending audio and video over the Internet without waiting for a lengthy download. The video is hosted on a computer maintained by Teachers College's Academic Computing Services and Computer Information Services groups. To watch the video point your browser to then click "The Video" on the main screen. You will need to have RealPlayer installed, which if you do not have, is an easy free download from
Published Saturday, Apr. 13, 2002