TC Gives 67% More to Community Appeal
This year, Teachers College increased its donations to the 52nd Columbia Community Service Appeal by a total of 67%. Sixty-three out of a possible 805 donors gave $6,079.00, an increase from last year's total of $3,643.00.
"The increase in this year's CCS participation is a reflection of the caring nature of TC faculty and staff," said Janet Harrison, Benefits Coordinator at Teachers College. "CCS offers an easy way to donate funds to many diverse, yet worthy, causes. I hope to see this trend continue in future CCS appeals." Harrison volunteered to communicate the CCS program to areas on campus and coordinated all the TC payroll deduction donations with Columbia.
The campaign raised a total of $175,113.44, which does not include monies raised by the Health Sciences Campus. Out of the total, CCS receives $163,130.44 and the United Way receives $11,983.
Columbia's donations, which include Morningside Heights and Harlem Hospital, totaled $158,831.44, with 864 donors out of a possible 6,800. Barnard had 150 donors out of a possible 744, and contributed $9,943.00.
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001