Education Suffering Due to School Violence | Teachers College Columbia University

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Education Suffering Due to School Violence

An article that appeared in Erie (PA) Daily Times/Morning News on May 22, 1999 - "School Shootings Make Teachers Think Twice" - addresses the concerns associated with learning and teaching due to the newfound fear on both students' and teachers' behalf. Marla Brassard, associate professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, commented on the added worries and stress of teachers and students due to the recent school shootings.
An article that appeared in Erie (PA) Daily Times/Morning News on May 22, 1999 - "School Shootings Make Teachers Think Twice" - addresses the concerns associated with learning and teaching due to the newfound fear on both students' and teachers' behalf. Marla Brassard, associate professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, commented on the added worries and stress of teachers and students due to the recent school shootings.

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Published Sunday, Apr. 14, 2002


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