Capital Campaign Kickoff
Those who followed the winding red carpet on November 11, crossed the threshold into the elegant marble foyer of the Metropolitan Club and were also at the forefront of Teachers College's leap into the next century.
The Campaign for Teachers College Kickoff Gala took place at the Metropolitan Club at 60th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and hosted about 250 people. The dinner celebrated the $73 million already raised that brought TC halfway to its $140 million goal. This event marked the beginning of the public phase of the campaign.
The program included a variety of speakers such as Tom Evans, Chair Emeritus of the Teachers College Trustees; Dinny Morse, Co-Chair of Trustees; Arthur Levine, President of Teachers College, Antonia Grumbach, Co-Chair of Board of Trustees; Elliot Jaffe, Campaign Chair and Pat Cloherty, Trustee.
As guests mingled and ate hors d'oeuvres, the Harlem Girls Choir descended the great marble staircase to sing celebratory songs. After the guests were seated at the tables adorned with exotic fruit and rose centerpieces, Tom Evans went to the podium. "I want to welcome you and thank you for participating in this exciting event, the kickoff of the Campaign for Teachers College, the largest capital campaign of any school of education in this nation's history."
New York United States Senator, Charles E. Schumer stopped by to extend his praises of Teachers College. "It is truly an honor for me to be here in such a historic moment not only for TC, but for America." If every school of education were as good as TC, he said, we wouldn't have to worry about the future of America.
The official program began with Dinny Morse, who introduced TC President Arthur Levine by saying, "I have the utmost admiration and respect for what has been accomplished at TC these past six years, and for the future plans for the College into the next century."
With thunderous applause from the guests, Levine thanked Elliot Jaffe for making the dinner possible.
Levine spoke about the tradition of greatness that Teachers College was built on and continues to uphold today. With the help of the dinner guests and the efforts of many others, TC will use its past and current resources to expand its efforts into the 21st century.
The guests listened intently as Levine spoke about the faculty of giants who impacted society and strengthened TC such as John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, George Counts, Edward Thorndike, Lawrence Cremin and Maxine Greene. Armed with the history of powerful ideas and pioneering initiatives, Teachers College is ready to face whatever challenges in education that the next century has to offer.
"Our nation is changing and this environment of education needs to change," said Levine. Society around us is changing dramatically- demographically, economically, technologically, and globally.
Teachers College needs to embrace these changes to better serve the children. Levine said, "The future depends upon it."
"Tonight we are launching a capital campaign. It is a campaign to repair education in New York, the United States and around the world," he said.Levine said that TC must continue to attract the best and brightest faculty and students by providing more scholarships. TC needs more endowed professorships and must continue to offer the strongest possible programs with the greatest potential to improve education.
The President called for stronger leadership in schools and communities. He said, "Teachers College must work to ensure that our school and political leaders have the skills, knowledge and vision to raise academic achievement."
Antonia Grumbach introduced The Campaign for Teachers College video by saying, "There are many concerns about education around the world, as well as right here in our own backyard." She continued, "We are an activist institution educating our community and the nation about these issues and truly doing something about it."
The video featured celebrities such as Bill Cosby, Walter Cronkite, Isaac Stern, Chancellor Rudy Crew, students and faculty members. At the conclusion of the video, the room was filled with the sound of applause, as Elliot Jaffe spoke.
For Jaffe, chairing this campaign is all about "pay-back." He was given an opportunity in his life because of his education. "Now it's my turn to reach out and provide opportunity to a new generation," he said.
He made special mention of the group of people who made leadership gifts of $1 million or more to the Campaign for Teachers College. This sum represented 53% of the total dollars raised.
Through her efforts at TC and her leadership donation, Patricia Cloherty, spoke about the College and technology. Cloherty said, "I am an aging technophobe, but I do believe that we have technological resources that we can exploit to make changes in education that we can all embrace."
As the chocolate and raspberry desserts were served, champagne was poured for a special toast. Evans, Morse, Grumbach, Jaffe and Levine raised their glasses for the three thousand other people that enabled Teachers College to reach the halfway mark. Their names were scrolled on large video screens.
"As we move forward into a new century, we ask your help: your time, your ideas, your voice and your financial support," said Levine. "Together we can create the next chapter of TC's history and make a better world for our children. Together we can repair the world."
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001