Youths can learn reading from everyday life
However, before rushing out to buy the latest reading software and workbooks, Lucy Calkins, founding director of the Reading and Writing Project offers this advice: "Life itself can teach kids all they need to know about reading."
President Bush's reading initiative and the push for standardized testing has many parents concerned that their children may fall behind in or will not be properly prepared for school. However, before rushing out to buy the latest reading software and workbooks, Lucy Calkins, founding director of the Reading and Writing Project offers this advice: "Life itself can teach kids all they need to know about reading." By creating a positive reading environment at home and communicating with your child are key to conveying the value of words. "Expect your children to listen to and be interested in everything you do," Mrs. Calkin advises. Incorporate reading exercises into your daily activities and eventually, children will get the message that written words are an important part of daily life. The article, entitled "Youths can learn reading from everyday life" appeared in the July 9th edition of the New York Times. When possible, the News Bureau provides a link to article summaries, a link is always provided to the online source. Not all online sources archive information and some charge a fee for older material.
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001