Faculty Briefs
Judith M. Burton (Department of Arts and Humanities) wrote two chapters for publications from the National Art Education Association. One chapter is called "Art Education and Humanistic Values: Edwin Ziegfeld" for Exploring the Legends: Guideposts to the Future, edited by Sylvia K. Corwin of Art Today. Also, "Doctoral Programs at Teachers College" from In Their Own Words: The Development of Doctoral Study in Art Education, edited by James Hutchens.
Maxine Greene, author and William F. Russell Professor Emeritus of Teachers College, who is recognized as a prolific American philosopher of education and aesthetics, will receive the Barnard Medal of Distinction at the 108th Commencement on May 15, 2001. Dr. Greene is well known for the landmark achievement of becoming the first tenured female faculty member at Teachers College, where she has been a professor since 1965.
Joan Jeffri (Program in Arts Administration) guest edited the February special issue of POETICS, which focused on research on artists. "Tracking the Invisible: Identifying Artist Populations" includes an introduction by Jeffri, and an article she co-authored with Dr. Douglas Heckathorn, sociologist from Cornell University, on their current study of Jazz musicians in Detroit, New Orleans, New York and San Francisco, commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts. Please see the Web site www.tc.columbia.edu/centers/rcac for more information.
Jack Mesirow (Professor Emeritus of Adult and Continuing Education) will be receiving an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from the University System of New Hampshire.
Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001