Spring Semester 2003: New Faculty | Teachers College Columbia University

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Spring Semester 2003: New Faculty

New Faculty Spring 2003


Charles Kinzer comes to TC from the George Peabody College of Vanderbuilt University in Nashville, Tenn., where he was an Associate Professor of Education. Prior to that he was Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Teaching and Learning and Assistant Professor of Education at the George Peabody College.

Kinzer's areas of specialization include language and literacy; impacts of technology, specifically: on vocabulary development and reading comprehension; memory processes in reading and writing; models of reading and composing; computer, multimedia, and "future literacies."

His public school experience includes teaching high school English, being the Chairperson of an English department and being a Language Arts consultant. He earned his Ph.D. in Language and Reading Education from the University of California, Berkeley.


New to TC from University of Missouri-Columbia's Sinclair School of Nursing, where she was a Teaching and Research Assistant while completing her Ph.D., Lisa Lewis joined the College as an Assistant Professor of Nursing Education.

Her dissertation was about the use of formal substance abuse treatment programs by African-American women. She also specializes in women's studies. In 1998, she got her master's degree from New York University's School of Education in the Teaching of Nursing. She received her B.S.N. from the College of Nursing at Syracuse University.

Published Monday, Mar. 3, 2003


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