A Web of Learning
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $5.6 million grant to the Case Technologies to Enhance Literacy Learning (CTELL) project. The project is a Web-based "merge of cognitive principles in anchored instruction with case-based learning," said Chuck Kinzer, Professor of Education at TC and a co-principal investigator of CTELL.
CTELL is designed to bring together teachers, students, re-searchers and instructional technology designers from Teachers College, the University of Georgia, the University of Connecticut and the University of Illinois, as well as a consortium of 70 southeast literacy practitioners, over six years. The goal of the project, said Kinzer, is to increase reading achievement in young children by "linking children's reading achievement to the effectiveness of case-based instruction."
Researchers and teacher practitioners supported by the four universities will collaborate with more than 600 teachers and 6,000 children across the country to introduce and test case-based, online literacy learning.
"NSF Grant to Improve Literacy Education Technology" with Multimedia (Inside TC Newsletter, November 2003)
Published Friday, Jan. 14, 2005