TC Focus On
What motivates a man after 30 years in the same field?
"It's a kick to be around our students," says David Gomez, Dean of Instructional Services at Brooklyn's Kingsborough Community College (KBCC). "Most have jobs and kids. They enjoy learning and they're grateful to be in college."
Gomez oversees both instructional and administrative computing at KBCC. His work on CUNY's computer curriculum has thus far enabled students to cross-register for courses at any of CUNY's 19 campuses.
He also supports a high school on campus where advanced students earn college credit and rejects criticism that such programs bring unqualified students into higher education: "We're giving more people a shot at college and a better life."
A past president of TC's Alumni Council, Gomez holds a master's and a doctorate from TC. He was mentored by Walter E. Sindlinger, the late champion of community colleges.
Gomez also teaches a class each year. "There's no substitute for being in the classroom," he says.
Published Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2005