TC Professor May Lead Study of Teens' Risky Behaviors | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC Professor May Lead Study of Teens' Risky Behaviors

Dr. Suniya Luthar, a professor of clinical psychology, may soon be leading a study on Connecticut high schoolers' reasons for engaging in risky behaviors such as taking drugs and drinking.

Dr. Suniya Luthar, a professor of clinical psychology, may soon be leading a study on Connecticut high schoolers' reasons for engaging in risky behaviors such as taking drugs and drinking.  Officials at the Greenwich Public Schools, Greenwich Academy and Brunswick School are in discussion with Luthar to conduct the research as part of a needs-assessment initiative led by the Greenwich Coalition to Combat Underage Drinking.

Luthar has been tracking student behavior in Westport, Connecticut for almost a decade and making recommendations based upon her findings about how best to address issues and concerns.

The article, entitled "Schools Plan Survey on Students' Drinking," appeared in the July 31 edition of Greenwich Time.

Published Friday, Aug. 5, 2005


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