In Contract | Teachers College Columbia University

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In Contract

An agreement was reached between Teachers College and Local Union No. 707 that was signed and authorized in February. Union 707 represents the custodial, security and trades staff at TC.
An agreement was reached between Teachers College and Local Union No. 707 that was signed and authorized in February. Union 707 represents the custodial, security and trades staff at TC. The bargaining team had been meeting since the summer of 2004 to negotiate the new contract, which is effective from September 1, 2004 through February 29, 2008. Pictured here are Kevin McCaffrey (front row, fourth from left), President of Local 707, and Fred Schnur (front row, fourth from right), Vice President of Finance and Administration, with members of the negotiating team (front row, left to right) Dennis Chambers, Wavely Cannady, John Zirpoli, McCaffrey, Schnur, Sarah Phillips, Debbie Kahlstrom, Jim Mitchell (second row) Dennis Dumais, Gary Lord, Randy Glazer, Steve Grady, Dominick Gennaro (back row) Tom Goltsch, Jim O'Brien, Mike Spratt, Rance Osborne, Tony Bonano, John Bruff, Bill Manning and Clarence Houston.

Published Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2005


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