New Textbooks Expected When Afghan School Year Begins
New Year celebrations will soon be underway in Afghanistan, but the festivities also mean the start of a new school year for millions of that nation's children.
New Year celebrations will soon be underway in Afghanistan, but the festivities also mean the start of a new school year for millions of that nation's children. When they return to their classrooms, students in grades 1 through 4 will be using textbooks developed by Teachers College, UNICEF, and the Afghan government. The new texts are more student-centered and reflective of the changes the country has undergone. The updating of the textbooks is an ongoing project, and a fully modernized curriculum is expected to be in place for all primary grades by 2006.
The article, entitled "Afghan New Year Heralds Return to School for Millions," appeared March 17 on ReliefWeb.
Published Thursday, Mar. 17, 2005