Making a Statement | Teachers College Columbia University

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Making a Statement

TC's new mission statement builds on the College's longstanding goal of helping society's most disadvantaged students.
TC's new mission statement builds on the College's longstanding goal of helping society's most disadvantaged students:  "Teachers College is dedicated to promoting equity and excel-lence in education and overcoming the gap in educational access and achievement between the most and least advantaged groups in this country. Through programs of teaching, research and service, the College draws upon the exper-tise of a diverse community of faculty in education, psychology and health, as well as students and staff from across the country and around the world."

The mission of TC's new Campaign for Educational Equity amplifies those ideas: "The Campaign for Educational Equity is the public voice, research and action arm of Teachers College, dedicated to promoting equity through improved policy and practice."

Finally, TC also has a new "tag line": "Educational equity--a moral imperative for the 21st century."   

Published Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005


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