In Brief
Sharon Lynn Kagan, Veronica Holly, and Department of Communication, Computing and Technology in Education (CCTE)
Veronica Holly, a Senior Program Associate at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME), received a Robert Bowne Foundation 2005-2006 Research Fellowship to initiate and conduct her own research project. Her research will cover school governance, community partnerships and student outcomes. She is a program developer for IUME's Task Force on Supplementary Education, conducting parent involvement and education workshops, and is Site Coordinator for the Harlem After 3 - After School program at C.S. 200 in Manhattan. Holly was also recently invited to serve on New York State's Afterschool Network Researchers Group.
Computing and Technology in Education (CCTE) hosted students from Camp Interactive this August. Camp Interactive works with underprivileged youth to give them experience in the outdoors and with technology. CCTE brought the students in to use their equipment and technology for two weeks and "what the children accomplished was outstanding," said CCTE coordinator and TC professor Charles Kinzer. Camp Interactive runs a series of summer programs for its students, including three major phases, "Into the Wild," "Home on the Web," and "Partnership for the Future." Through these programs, Camp Interactive hopes to "bridge the digital and leadership divide that plagues our nation's inner cities."
Published Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2005