The Achievement Gap Has Its Cost
The value of staying in school is substantial for a student -'" but it's important for the New York economy, as well.
A high school dropout today will earn a projected $260,000 less over his or her lifetime than a student who receives a high school diploma, according to Michael Rebell, executive director of The Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, Columbia University.
"The cost to both the individual -'"and to society -'" is enormous," Rebell said. "Increasing the high school completion rate by a mere 1 percent for men ages 20 to 60 could save the U.S. up to $1.4 billion per year in reduced cost from crime."
This article, written by Sylvia Saunders, appeared in the February 16th, 2006 publication of the New York State Teacher Edition.
Published Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006