Isaac Brooks reads from his story at the Book Talk event for Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11.
Isaac Brooks reads from his story at the Book Talk event for Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11. Brooks, a TC alumni, teaches middle school English and history at the Horace Mann School. Forever After is a collection of first-hand accounts of what happened in New York City schools on 9/11 and thereafter. It comprises stories told by 19 educators, each reflecting on how their lives and the lives of the people they worked with-'"their students, their colleagues-'"were forever changed by the experience. The book was published by Teachers College Press (2006), with Maureen Grolnick as the consulting editor. Contributors in attendance at the event included TC alumni Michelle Fine, Isaac Brooks, Stacey Fell-Eisenkraft and Professor Emeritus Maxine Greene, who penned the book's forward. The reading was held on October 18 and was hosted by the Gottesman Libraries. The Libraries also exhibited publications and newspaper headlines relating to the events of 9/11.
Published Friday, Oct. 27, 2006