In FY09, Teachers College strengthened its successful fundraising endeavors, totaling $36.7 million in gifts and pledges, an increase of 16 percent from FY08. Overall, TC broadened and strengthened outreach to all constituencies (including community partners, donors and Trustees) and made significant progress in building infrastructure and collaborating with academic and administrative partners. Among the many successes:
- Foundation and Corporate giving totaled more than $15.8 million;
- Planned Giving recorded $16.1 million in realized and deferred gifts, including a 20 percent increase in membership in the Grace Dodge Society;
- Individual giving remained steady, yet the number of commitments from individual donors doubled from the previous year, which speaks to increased activity with our major gifts donors;
- The TC Fund increased by 2 percent over the prior year’s total and achieved its goal of $1.679 million via both renewable/replaceable gifts and designated realized bequests.
Additional departmental highlights from FY09 include:
Corporate and Foundations
$5,162,327 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the Community College Resource Center project, “Transforming Community Colleges to Accelerate Postsecondary Success for Low-Income Young Adults”;
$3,107,574 from Say Yes to Education, Inc. for the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching’s Say Yes Chapter in Harlem.
Alumni Relations
Inaugurated TC’s annual Academic Festival as the centerpiece of the alumni event calendar, attracting more than 350 alumni and friends back to TC.
Government Relations
Directed federal stimulus funding opportunities toward TC faculty and staff, resulting in TC researchers applying for over $2 million in stimulus funding;
Secured elected official participation in TC events, including Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer’s participation in April Nutrition Conference and others in the Presidential Education Advisor Debate.
Published Thursday, Apr. 1, 2010