Alumni News |
Music Maker

Elizabeth McAnally holds an MA in Music Education ('91) and has taught students K-8 in the School District of Philadelphia for the past 20 years. She currently teaches General Music and is co-director of the 180-voice choir at Wilson Middle School. She serves as cooperating teacher for music education students at Temple University and Philadelphia Biblical University, and provides demonstration lessons for new teachers in her district. McAnally has presented at a myriad of conferences and participates in many professional development workshops. She is an Editorial Board member for the MENC (The National Association for Music Education) online journal General Music Today, and her published work appears in Teaching Music, General Music Today, and in curriculum guides for the Philadelphia Orchestra. She is a contributing author of Teaching Music in the Urban Classroom (V. 1) and is the author of Middle School General Music: The Best Part of Your Day! To continue reading about Elizabeth and her journey, visit TC's A&H website
Taking Action

Katie Bartels is a 2009 Returning Peace Corps Fellow with a TESOL degree. She served in Mozambique for two years, was a Secondary School ESL teacher for the New York Department of Education at Kingsbridge International High School, and ran an international program for Save the Children. Katie currently serves as a Program Officer at PCI Media Impact, an organization that uses creative media, the power of storytelling and the reach of broadcast media to mobilize individual, community and political action in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, sustainable development, and human rights and democracy.
To continue reading about Katie and her journey, visit TC's A&H website
Teachers College News |
The Cahn Fellows Program Expands
Earlier this month, TC's Cahn Fellows Program for Distinguished Principals welcomed its new cohort of 23 outstanding school leaders for 2011-12, and for the first time the program will include two participants from New Jersey: Yolanda Méndez and Deneen Washington, both of Newark.
The Fellows program was created in 2002 to promote the professional, intellectual and personal growth of promising and aspiring principals from New York City public schools. Now Newark is joining the fold, and apparently city leaders could not be more pleased.
To read more, click here.
Klingenstein Center's Director Talks About Soaring Private School Tuition
Klingenstein Center Director, Pearl Rock Kane, speaks to ABC about soaring private school tuition saying staffing costs make up about 80 percent of costs at any school - public or private - and that "it's expensive" to run a good school.
To see more of the ABC interview, click here.
Views on the News
Views on the News is a monthly online journal of analysis just launched by the External Affairs team at Teachers College. Enlisting the expertise of TC's faculty, alumni, students and leadership, Views on the News offers timely analysis and lively commentary on news events and current trends in education, health, nutrition, organizational leadership and other fields within the College's core areas of research, policy and practice. To subscribe, go to
Career Corner |
Career Events & Workshops
Thursday, June 30, 2011
New York City Department of Education Teacher Recruitment 2011-2012
TCCS Link is now available through My TC Portal. Access online job postings, alumni mentors and more.
2011 Graduates and Degree Candidates Survey
If you are a 2011 graduate or degree candidate please take a few moments to fill out a brief TCCS survey.
Alumni Mentor Program
* Contact up to five mentors per month through email, that's 60 per year. Includes 600+ mentors who have graduated from all TC majors.
* Meet with professionals in various career fields, develop career plans, and create professional networks in various industries.
Recruit TC!
Is your organization seeking talented professionals? Contact Teachers College Career Services (TCCS) to discuss recruiting efforts including posting job opportunities, speaking on campus and attending career related events to market your company, organization and/or school as well as available opportunities. Please contact Vicki Gochenour, Assistant Director of Employer Relations at 212-678-3202 or via email at
IvyLife-Columbia Networking Events
IvyLife-Columbia is a LinkedIn group, which is also part of the parent group, IvyLife. Both groups hold various networking events in NYC as well as around the world. For more information, visit the group on LinkedIn or If you have questions, please contact
For additional
information on these and other monthly Career Service workshops,
events & registration, visit TCSS Events.
Department News |
Links and news from TC's Departments.
Arts & Humanities
Biobehavioral Sciences
Counseling & Clinical Psychology
Curriculum & Teaching
Education Policy & Social Analysis (Fall 2011)
Health & Behavior Studies
Human Development
International & Transcultural Studies
Mathematics, Science & Technology
Organization & Leadership
Continuing & Professional Studies
June Alumni Newsletter |
Commencement Recap & Videos
Commencement ceremonies took place in May for our Master's and Doctoral candidates welcoming over 1,500 new alumni into the Alumni Association. To read more about our commencement ceremonies and speakers, click here.
Video is now available from each ceremony. Click on the appropriate link below to view.
2011 Teachers College Doctoral Ceremony
2011 Teachers College Master's Ceremony (A.M.)
2011 Teachers College Master's Ceremony (P.M.)
2011 Graduates and Degree Candidates Survey
If you are a 2011 graduate or degree candidate please take a few moments to fill out a brief TCCS survey. The results of this survey will help TCCS gather information regarding the employment status and/or additional graduate school plans of TC alumni. Fill out the TCCS survey today.
New York City Teacher Recruitment 2011-2012
The deadline schedule for the NYC Department of Education's online teacher application has shifted slightly, due to a positive applicant response and immediate hiring needs for teachers certified in Science and Special Education and for positions in the Bronx. The new deadline for applying is Thursday, June 30, 2011. Please click here to learn more.
Art & Art Education: Children's Art
Art & Art Education is in the process of reorganizing some of their studios and classrooms and they have found a box full of children's marker drawings that we are hoping to identify. There are about 500 drawings, each one about 8 x 12 inches and enclosed in a plastic sleeve with a black paper backing. Each of the drawings has been tagged on its back in pencil with an index number, the grade level of the student and also the content of the drawing. Click here for pictures of the fronts and backs of four samples from this collection. The department is contacting you in the hope of identifying this material in case it was left behind or donated to the Program by any of its alumni. Please contact if you know anything about these artworks or if you would like to claim these. The collection will be stored until September 1, 2011 after which it will be disposed of if it is not claimed.
Update Your Information
Please take a moment to update your information or
share Class
We want to hear from you.
Stay Connected to TC
Keep up to date on what is happening around campus and with your fellow alumni by following us on Twitter or being a part of the conversations on Facebook or LinkedIn. We post pictures from our events on our Facebook page, so log on and tag yourself. Forward this newsletter to your fellow TC alumni and help us reach 1000 fans!
In Season
Summer has officially begun and what better way to celebrate than with Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp? This month's recipe was contributed by current student Paula Gross.
TC Annual Fund |
Supporting the TC Fund: What it means to our alumni...
Being Dewey
Fern Lowenfels
M.A., Teaching of Social Studies '64
"I give to TC because I wish to remember the school that gave me the credentials for teaching. I taught for close to 40 years and loved it." Click here to read more.
Maj. Gen. Irene Trowell-Harrison
Ed.D., Health Education '83
Ed.M., Health Education '83
"Being Dewey means a level above and beyond with an opportunity to contribute more consistently. I want to leave a legacy that perpetuates my ideals while helping others to become successful and supporting their goals." Click here to read more.
Being Greene
Michael Gillespie
Ed.D., Interdisciplinary Studies in Education '83
M.A., Higher Education Administration '80
"I was 28 when I entered TC and was blessed to study with three of the greatest minds during my time there---the incomparable historian, Lawrence Cremin, also my advisor; Phil Phenix, an incredible epistemologist; and the phenomenal Maxine Greene, who also selected me to study with her at the Lincoln Center Institute." Click here to read more.
Anne Rothstein
Ed.D., Physical Education '70
M.A., Physical Education '65
"Maxine Greene is an icon. She has defined and shaped aesthetic education through her writing, speaking and salons. She continues to inspire through her spirit and intelligence. I am thrilled be associated through TC with her efforts." Click here to read more.
Click here to make a gift to the TC Fund. Your support makes it all possible.
Upcoming Alumni Events |
June 23 - 27, 2011 - Columbia University in Asia
The Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) will be traveling to Asia this summer. Please join them for the complimentary receptions in Mumbai, Delhi, Singapore, Bangalore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul and Beijing (except for the Singapore event, which is the club's annual dinner). The CAA looks forward to seeing you!
Hosted By: Columbia Alumni Association
For Dates, Times and Locations:
For more information, please contact Jaclyn Chu '02CC, Assistant Director, International Alumni Relations at
International CAA events are taking place worldwide - learn more here!
July 8, 2011 - Boston Admitted Student Reception
Join the Office of Admissions and fellow alumni in Boston in welcoming newly admitted students. Teachers College Admissions representatives present a panel featuring alumni to share more about the TC experience. Alumni are encouraged to attend to meet fellow area alumni and share their experiences with admitted students during the reception.
Hosted By: TC Office of Admissions
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Boston Marriott Copley Place,
110 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116
July 11 - 15, 2011 - The School Law Institute
Join national leaders to discuss critical issues of law, policy, and practice. This national professional education program serves policy makers, policy analysts, and researchers; school board and charter-school board members; practicing and aspiring state-, district- and school-level administrators; teachers, counselors, school psychologists; special education staff; bilingual/ESL staff; union reps, school lawyers, and advocates. Program meets at Columbia Law School. Presenters include John King: NY State Deputy Commissioner for P-12 Education,
former Managing Director, Uncommon Schools & Co-Founder, Roxbury Prep; Gary Orfield: Professor and Co-Director,
UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles; Jack Jennings: Pres/CEO, Center on Education
Policy, former General Counsel, House Committee on Education & Welfare; Rhoda Schneider: General
Counsel and Senior Associate Commissioner, Mass. Dept. of Education. Available for 3 graduate credits or on a non-credit basis.
Hosted By: The School Law Institute at Columbia University
Time: July 11-15, 9:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Teachers College
For more information or to RSVP,
please visit or contact Margot Schou at 212-678-8331 or
July 11 - 14, 2011 - Student Press Initiative (SPI) Summer Institute at Teachers College
SPI literacy experts will take you through the process of planning to
publish your students' work--from proven methods to teach writing,
revision, and editing to students of all ages and skill levels to
coordinating a community book reading. They will explore myriad ways to "go public" with your students' writing, from published texts to
public performances.
Hosted By: Student Press Initiative (SPI)
Location: Teachers College
For more information or to RSVP,
please visit
For additional
information on Alumni
Events and Programs, visit or email
**Event times and locations are subject to change. Please check the website prior to the event for the most up-to-date information.
Continuing Studies |
June 28 - July 8, 2011 - Gifted Student Workshops
The presence of gifted students is evident in almost every elementary and middle school classroom. Attend one or both workshops, and examine the educational needs of students identified as gifted. Click on the links below for more information.
Workshop I: June 28 - July 11: "Instructional Models in the Education of Gifted Students "
Workshop II: July 5 - July 8: "Differentiated Instruction of Gifted Students in the
Heterogeneous Classroom"
July 1 - August 26, 2011 - TESOL Certificate Program
The intensive summer program leads to the completion of a Teachers College Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
More details and registration information on the Continuing Studies site.
July & August 2011 - MathCamp for Educators
Join us during the fun, 5-day intensive program that integrates content with interactive best teaching practices and strategies to help educators - both new and experienced - fully explore mathematics in a variety of unique and hands on ways. Visit the following links for more information.
July 11 - 15, 2011:
Elementary School Educators
August 22 - 26, 2011: Middle School Educators
Spring/Summer 2011 - Bilingual Extension Institute (BEI)
The Bilingual Extension Institute bridges the gap between research-based theoretical knowledge and everyday practice. This emphasis on training for practical application is reflected in everything from the use of practicing clinicians on the faculty to the project-based course content.
More details and registration information on the Continuing Studies site.
Fall 2011/Spring 2012 - Bilingual Extension Institute (BEI)
The Chinese teacher education program - Certificate Program in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) - provides state-of-the-art training in Chinese pedagogy that sets trainees on a fast and efficient track to gain knowledge and skills necessary for operating effectively in the current and future classrooms in various contexts. The TCSOL Certificate Program is currently accepting application for its 2010-2011 session. More details and registration information at
Meet The Author |
The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships by Lois J. Zachary
Lois J. Zachary is a recognized expert on mentoring excellence. Her three books on mentoring have become resources for educational institutions and organizations interested in promoting mentoring for leadership and learning and for mentors and mentees seeking to deepen their mentoring practice. To read more about this TC alumna, click here.
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Alumni Relations
525 W. 120th Street
Box 306
New York, New York 10027
Phone: (212) 678-3215
Fax: (212) 678-3723