Alumni News |
William E. Gardner Pre K-12 Outstanding Educator

Bryan Jackson (MA '03) is an exceptional third-grade teacher at the Latin School of Chicago and recently received the William E. Gardner Pre-K Outstanding Educator Award. It recognizes a graduate of the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) who has demonstrated excellence in the field of PreK-12 school-based education.
Social Justice Educator
After a stint in Mongolia with the Peace Corps, Rosie Frascella (MA '03), found her way back to Brooklyn to continue to seek social equality and justice. To continue reading about Frascella and her journey, visit TC's A&H website
Teachers College News |
Meet our 2011 Graduates
They're moving on, but they're taking a lot of TC with them. A cross-section of this year's graduates - with more to come - from programs ranging from speech and language pathology to counseling and clinical psychology.
To read more, click here.
Brooks-Gunn, Ginsburg Elected To
National Academy of Education
Faculty members Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Herbert P. Ginsburg have been elected to the National Academy of Education (NAEd). They are among 11 education leaders who were elected to the Academy for their "pioneering efforts in education research and policy development," the Academy announced.
To read the full story, click here.
Views on the News
Views on the News is a monthly online journal of analysis just launched by the External Affairs team at Teachers College. Enlisting the expertise of TC's faculty, alumni, students and leadership, Views on the News offers timely analysis and lively commentary on news events and current trends in education, health, nutrition, organizational leadership and other fields within the College's core areas of research, policy and practice. To subscribe, go to
Career Corner |
TCCS Link is now available through My TC Portal. Access online job postings, alumni mentors and more.
2011 Graduates and Degree Candidates Survey
If you are a 2011 graduate or degree candidate please take a few moments to fill out a brief TCCS survey. The results of this survey will help TCCS gather information regarding the employment status and/or graduate school plans of TC alumni. This information will also be used to ascertain the many paths TC's diverse alumni population pursues and help TCCS staff plan future career events and programs. All responses will be held in the strictest professional confidence. By fully completing this survey, you can also update your contact information with TCCS and choose to receive information about TCCS events and programs.
Please click the following link 2011 Graduate Survey from Career Services to begin the survey.
Fill out the TCCS survey today.
Alumni Mentor Program
* Contact up to five mentors per month through email, that's 60 per year. Includes 600+ mentors who have graduated from all TC majors.
* Meet with professionals in various career fields, develop career plans, and create professional networks in various industries.
Recruit TC!
Is your organization seeking talented professionals? Contact Teachers College Career Services (TCCS) to discuss recruiting efforts including posting job opportunities, speaking on campus and attending career related events to market your company, organization and/or school as well as available opportunities. Please contact Vicki Gochenour, Assistant Director of Employer Relations at 212-678-3202 or via email at
IvyLife-Columbia Networking Events
IvyLife-Columbia is a LinkedIn group, which is also part of the parent group, IvyLife. Both groups hold various networking events in NYC as well as around the world. For more information, visit the group on LinkedIn or If you have questions, please contact
Career Events & Workshops
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Acing the Interview
Friday, June 10 - Sunday, June 12, 2011
International Recruitment Conference Career Fair (Fairfax, VA)
For additional
information on these and other monthly Career Service workshops,
events & registration, visit TCSS Events.
Keep your contact information up to date, so we can continue to share our news with you.
Stay connected with us through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more! Simply click on the icons below to get started.

Please take a moment to update your information or share Class
Need to access My TC Portal and forgot your UNI and/or password? Email for assistance.
Being TC
Teachers College has set a goal of raising a record $2 million for the TC Fund by the close of our fiscal year, August 31. We are more than halfway to this goal, but we cannot meet it without your help!
The Annual Fund is not just important to TC, it is essential. Your support allows us to put resources where they are most needed - to increase student aid, retain our top faculty and support academic programs in the classroom and in the field. TC is a leader among graduate schools of education, health and psychology. It takes all of us together to make sure it remains that way.
Click here to make your gift online today and help us reach our goal of $2 million. Every gift counts.
Grace Dodge Society Luncheon
We invite all members of the Grace Dodge Society to come celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Society at a luncheon on Wednesday, June 22 at 12:30 p.m.
The luncheon, honoring those members of the TC community who have made TC a part of their estate plans, will be held at The University Club, One West 54th Street in NYC.
Please rsvp to or call Kawana Bullock at (212) 678-8147
Meet The Author |
Transforming Japan: How Feminism and Diversity Are Making a Difference by Dr. Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow
Kumiko Fujimura-Fanselow, spent her formative years in the United States, witnessing the struggles of the civil rights movement and other social movements that followed in the 60s and 70s. To read more about this TC alumna, click here.
The Next Step: TC |
Admitted Student Receptions
Join the Office of Admissions along with alumni as we welcome newly admitted students to the TC family.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Boston Admitted Student Reception
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Boston venue TBD
Department News |
Links and news from TC's Departments.
Arts & Humanities
Biobehavioral Sciences
Counseling & Clinical Psychology
Curriculum & Teaching
Education Policy & Social Analysis (Fall 2011)
Health & Behavior Studies
Human Development
International & Transcultural Studies
Mathematics, Science & Technology
Organization & Leadership
Continuing & Professional Studies
May Alumni Newsletter |
Congratulations, Graduates!
Commencement Ceremonies took place Tuesday and Wednesday for our master's and doctoral candidates. Over 1,500 alumni have just joined our ranks. Welcome to the Alumni Association, TC Grads! To meet a few of our graduates click here.
TC in Asia: Working Together
President Susan Fuhrman and Edith Shih, Host Committee Chair and TC Trustee, are proud to present TC in Asia: Working Together - a day-long conference on opportunities to creatively shape and advance educational models for learning around the world on May 28 in Hong Kong.
Four sessions will explore: TC's partnerships in Asia that have produced a century's worth of progress in international learning and teaching; the effects of cross-cultural studies and exchanges; ways in which educators can prepare students for an increasingly global workforce; and strategies for strengthening our global TC Network together.
A closing reception will provide an opportunity to network with TC community members. The day will also feature an Admissions Information Session for prospective and admitted TC students. We encourage you to spread the word about this valuable and unique opportunity to learn more about the application process and the College itself. All prospective students and parents are welcome to stay for the conference. All are welcome to attend.
In addition to Hong Kong, TC will be visiting Taipei (May 24), Shanghai (May 30) and Beijing (May 31) -- if we are coming to your area, join us for TC Connections in Asia -- receptions for prospective students, current students, parents, alumni and friends. The reception will feature remarks from Susan Fuhrman, President of Teachers College; Tom James, Dean and Provost of Teachers College; Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations, Teachers College; and Tom Rock, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Teachers College.
An Admissions Information Session will take place from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. The formal speaking program will begin immidately after, promptly at 6:30 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served. Spread the word to your fellow alumni and prospective TC students and help us recruit the next generation of TC alumni!
For more information or to RSVP for any of the events in Asia, visit
Academic Festival 2011 Videos Now Available
You can still experience Academic Festival by viewing the sessions we captured from our exciting line-up. Simply click on the video image on or by clicking directly to the Academic Festival 2011 Channel here. You can also view our full gallery of photos here.
2011 Graduates and Degree Candidates Survey
If you are a 2011 graduate or degree candidate please take a few moments to fill out a brief TCCS survey. The results of this survey will help TCCS gather information regarding the employment status and/or graduate school plans of TC alumni. This information will also be used to ascertain the many paths TC's diverse alumni population pursues and help TCCS staff plan future career events and programs. All responses will be held in the strictest professional confidence. By fully completing this survey, you can also update your contact information with TCCS and choose to receive information about TCCS events and programs.
Please click the following link to begin the survey: 2011 Graduate Survey from Career Services.
Fill out the TCCS survey today.
Update Your Information
Please take a moment to update your information or
share Class
We want to hear from you.
Stay Connected to TC
Keep up to date on what is happening around campus and with your fellow alumni by following us on Twitter or being a part of the conversations on Facebook or LinkedIn. We post pictures from our events on our Facebook page, so log on and tag yourself. Forward this newsletter to your fellow TC alumni and help us reach 1000 fans!
In Season
As summer approaches we have alumni who are ready to share ways to take advantage of ingredients currently in season. This month's recipe, Asparagus Risotto, was contributed by nutrition alumna Emma Hulso (MS '11). If you'd like to share your recipes, email with the subject line "In Season".
Upcoming Alumni Events |
May 22, 2011 - Columbia University Symposium: "Hong Kong's Future in a Changing Asia"
"Hong Kong's Future in a Changing Asia" examines the economic, political, and social trends occurring in the Asian region and their impact on Hong Kong and on China at large.
Hosted by: Columbia's Weatherhead East Asian Institute
Time: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location:The Langham, Grand Ballroom (2F),
8 Peking Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
For more information or to RSVP, please visit
May 24, 2011 - TC Connections - Taipei, Taiwan
TC will be visiting Taipei, Taiwan for TC Connections in Asia — a reception for prospective students, current students, parents, alumni and friends. The reception will feature remarks from Susan Fuhrman, President of Teachers College; Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations, Teachers College; and Tom Rock, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Teachers College. An Admissions Information Session will take place from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. The speaking program will begin at 6:30 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served.
Hosted By: TC President's Office and Alumni Relations
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Le Meridien Taipei,
38 SongRen Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, 110 Taiwan
For more information or to RSVP, please visit
May 28, 2011 - TC in Asia: Working Together - Hong Kong
President Susan Fuhrman and Edith Shih, Host Committee Chair and TC Trustee, are proud to present TC in Asia: Working Together - a day-long conference on opportunities to creatively shape and advance educational models for learning around the world on May 28 in Hong Kong.
Four sessions will explore: TC's partnerships in Asia that have produced a century's worth of progress in international learning and teaching; the effects of cross-cultural studies and exchanges; ways in which educators can prepare students for an increasingly global workforce; and strategies for strengthening our global TC Network together.
A closing reception will provide an opportunity to network with TC community members. The day will also feature an Admissions Information Session for prospective and admitted TC students. We encourage you to spread the word about this valuable and unique opportunity to learn more about the application process and the College itself. All prospective students and parents are welcome to stay for the conference.
All are welcome to attend at no cost.
Should your travel arrangements require obtaining a Visa, official letters of invitation can be requested by emailing For more information on this opportunity to engage with TC in Hong Kong or to RSVP to attend, visit
Hosted By: TC President's Office and Alumni Relations
Time: Saturday, May 28, 2011, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Pre-Conference Admissions Information Session begins at 8:00 a.m.)
Location: Island Shangri-La, Central Hong Kong, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road
May 30, 2011 - TC Connections - Shanghai, China
TC will be visiting Shanghai, China for TC Connections in Asia — a reception for prospective students, current students, parents, alumni and friends. The reception will feature remarks from Susan Fuhrman, President of Teachers College; Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations, Teachers College; and Tom Rock, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Teachers College. An Admissions Information Session will take place from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. The speaking program will begin at 6:30 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served.
Hosted By: TC President's Office and Alumni Relations
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: JW Marriott Shanghai, Tomorrow Square & Marriott Executive Apartments,
399 Nanjing West Road,
Shanghai, 200003 P.R.C.
For more information or to RSVP, please visit
May 30, 2011 - Vancouver Alumni Reception
Join Samantha Lu, TC's Director of International Student Services, faculty and alumni for this reception in conjunction with the Association of International Educatiors (NAFSA) Conference.
Hosted By: TC Office of Alumni Relations
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Cypress Room, 34th Floor, Vancouver, BC, Canada
For more information or to RSVP, please visit
May 31, 2011 - TC Connections - Beijing, China
TC will be visiting Beijing, China for TC Connections in Asia — a reception for prospective students, current students, parents, alumni and friends. The reception will feature remarks from Susan Fuhrman, President of Teachers College; Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations, Teachers College; and Tom Rock, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Teachers College. An Admissions Information Session will take place from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. The speaking program will begin at 6:30 p.m. Hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served.
Hosted By: TC President's Office and Alumni Relations
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: The St. Regis Beijing,
21 Jianguomenwai Dajie Beijing, Beijing 100020 China
For more information or to RSVP, please visit
June 13 - 27, 2011 - Columbia University in Asia
The Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) will be traveling to Asia this summer. Please join them for the complimentary receptions in Mumbai, Delhi, Singapore, Bangalore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul and Beijing (except for the Singapore event, which is the club's annual dinner). The CAA looks forward to seeing you!
Hosted By: Columbia Alumni Association
For Dates, Times and Locations:
For more information, please contact Jaclyn Chu '02CC, Assistant Director, International Alumni Relations at
International CAA events are taking place worldwide -
learn more here!
June 17, 2011 - "On His Shoulders We Stand" 90th Birthday Celebration for Edmund Wyatt Gordon
Join in the celebration of Edmund Wyatt Gordon, his life's work and his 90th birthday. For more on the plenary sessions, click here.
Hosted By: Teachers College
Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Teachers College, Joyce B. Cowin Auditorium
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Susan Shurtleff at or by calling (845) 354-5809.
June 22, 2011 - Grace Dodge Society Luncheon
We invite all members of the Grace Dodge Society to come celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Society at a luncheon honoring those members of the TC community who have made TC a part of their estate plans.
Hosted By: Grace Dodge Society
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Location: The University Club, One West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019
For more information or to RSVP, please contact or call Kawana Bullock at (212) 678-8147.
July 8, 2011 - Boston Admitted Student Reception
Join the Office of Admissions and fellow alumni in Boston in welcoming newly admitted students. Teachers College Admissions representatives present a panel featuring alumni to share more about the TC experience. Alumni are encouraged to attend to meet fellow area alumni and share their experiences with admitted students during the reception.
Hosted By: TC Office of Admissions
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Boston venue TBD
For additional
information on Alumni
Events and Programs, visit or email
**Event times and locations are subject to change. Please check the website prior to the event for the most up-to-date information.
Continuing Studies |
June 10 - 12, 2011 - How Leaders Throughout Organizations Use "Smart Power"
This course introduces a new framework for understanding power, conflict, and leadership. It will allow students to explore ways to resolve conflicts up, down, and across power differences.
More details and registration information on the Continuing Studies site.
June 28 - July 8, 2011 - Gifted Student Workshops
The presence of gifted students is evident in almost every elementary and middle school classroom. Attend one or both workshops, and examine the educational needs of students identified as gifted.
Workshop I: June 28 - July 11
"Instructional Models in the Education of Gifted Students "
Workshop II: July 5 - July 8
"Differentiated Instruction of Gifted Students in the
Heterogeneous Classroom"
July 1-August 1, 2011 - TESOL Certificate Program
The intensive summer program leads to the completion of a Teachers College Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
More details and registration information on the Continuing Studies site.
July 11-August 19, 2011 - MathCamp for Educators
Join us during the fun, 5-day intensive program that integrates content with interactive best teaching practices and strategies to help educators - both new and experienced - fully explore mathematics in a variety of unique and hands on ways.
Elementary School Educators: July 11 - July 15
Middle School Educators: August 15 - August 19
Spring/Summer 2011 - Bilingual Extension Institute (BEI)
The Bilingual Extension Institute bridges the gap between research-based theoretical knowledge and everyday practice. This emphasis on training for practical application is reflected in everything from the use of practicing clinicians on the faculty to the project-based course content.
More details and registration information on the Continuing Studies site.
Follow TC Online |