TC at AERA 2011 | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC at AERA 2011

Highlights from the year's signature education conference
Highlights from the year’s signature education conference

By Suzanne Guillette

Some 175 TC faculty and students attended the 2011 meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans (April 8 – 12). AERA’s theme this year was “Inciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good.” Among the TC faculty and staff who were honored or who presented:
  • David Hansen, Professor of Philosophy and EducatiTCon; Henry Levin, William H Kilpatrick Professor of Economics & Education, and Anna Neumann, Professor of Higher Education were named 2011 AERA Fellows. The designation is reserved for the “most eminent and influential senior scholars whose research and scholarly productivity make them exemplars for the field of education and models for the next generation of researchers.”
  • Mariana Souto-Manning, Associate Professor of Education in the Curriculum & Teaching Department, received the 2011 AERA Award for Innovations in Research on Diversity. Her research was cited for its “impact, relevance to diversity, and contribution to teacher education,” as well as its “exemplary innovations in research on diversity.
  • Maria Torres-Guzman, Professor of Bilingual Education, received the 2011 AERA Bilingual Education SIG Lifetime Achievement Award for her “long-standing excellence in scholarship related to bilingual education.
  • TC’s EdLab Team made seven presentations on the use of technology and media in education.
  • TC Professor of Social Studies Margaret S. Crocco (along with Ching-Fu Lan, Hui Soo Chae, Ting Yuan, Gary Natriello) presented “Teaching the Levees in Secondary Social Studies Classrooms: An Evaluation of Documentary-Based Curriculum in Practice." The presentation investigated the use of a documentary-based curriculum, “Teaching the Levees” (TTL).
  • The Community College Research Center (CCRC) presented 10 papers about the community college population, at-risk youth issues, college-preparation programs and student supports. Thomas Bailey, George and Abby O’Neill Professor of Economics and Education, presented “Measuring Student Success: Key Experiences That Predict Success in College Among Students in Middle-Early College High Schools.”
  • Christopher Emdin, Assistant Professor of Science Education, presented “Hip-Hop and Urban Science Education: The Cypher and the Battle.” The presentation focused on an approach to pedagogy for science education among urban youth.
  • John Black, Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Telecommunications and Education, presented “Incorporating Haptic Feedback in Simulation for Learning Physics.” The study examined how embodied cognition theory can be applied in the classroom to improve abstract concept learning in physics.

Published Thursday, May. 12, 2011


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