TC's Educational Gaming Festival to Take Place April 25
The Festival will include educational and real-world impact games designed by Teachers College and Columbia University students and faculty.
TC’s Real-World Impact Games Festival – a chance to see (and play with!) cutting-edge educational game designs, including digital, non-digital, mobile and real-world action games – will take place Wednesday, April 25, from 4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Everett Lounge, on the first floor of Zankel Hall.
The Festival will feature the work of students and professors who are part of TC’s growing games community, which is dedicated to educational game design and research, plus professional educational game designers including Bernard Yee, Bungee Game Developer and Adjunct Professor of Game Production and Design.
Participants will have opportunities to interact and get involved with game-based research projects.
This festival, sponsored by the Games Research Lab; the Communication, Computing and Technology in Education (CCTE) Program; and the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Teachers College; will have on display more than a dozen educational game projects designed by students and faculty in TC’s CCTE program.
The theme of the festival is: “Can YOU Make a Difference With Games?” Participants will see and play with a variety of game designs and research projects about language learning, chemistry, nutrition, math, climate change, ethics and more. Games include digital, non-digital and mobile games, as well as real-world action games, which are designed to challenge the player to help solve a real-world issue such as climate change.
For additional information, please contact Joey J. Lee at
Published Tuesday, Apr. 24, 2012