Evelin Lindner's Dignity Economy book talk, 12/5 & Workshop, 12/6-12-7
Be warmly invited to Evelin Lindner's Dignity Economy book talk on December 5, 4:30-5 pm, Columbia University, Teachers College, Gottesman Library, room Russell 104b, see www.tc.columbia.edu/calendar.

"Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict" at Teachers College, Columbia University, Thursday-Friday, December 6-7, 2012. Registration starts at 9:00 am Thursday.
The workshop has two parts:
First, the Public Event: Everybody is warmly invited to attend! Bring your friends!
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2011, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pmPlace: Teachers College, Milbank Chapel
Entrance is free.
Second, the Workshop: If you would like to attend, please contact us at workshops@humiliationstudies.
Dates: Thursday and Friday, December 6-7, 2012, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Place: Teachers College, Grace Dodge Hall (GDH) 179
kindly see http://www.humiliationstudies.
of the most important goals of this workshop is to build
connections. Prior to conference, we warmly invite you
complete an “Appreciative Introduction” that can be
posted. We are attaching a form for you to use (and an example),
or you can create your own! Thank you so much for bringing this
with you!
The workshop includes three roundtables with the following topics:
- Round Table 1: How is humiliation relevant to destructive conflict? (Day One)
- Round Table 2: How can the notion of humiliation be useful for public policy planning and for cultivating positive social change? (Day Two
- Round Table 3: What works? What types of social change efforts show promise in reducing violent conflict and humiliation while upholding the dignity of all people? (Day Two)
There is no registration fee. Instead, we are continuing our tradition of sharing responsibility for conference expenses. During the conference we will invite participants to contribute to the administrative costs according to ability. Please know that we will make every effort to keep costs at a minimum.
For those who still wish to register in the
invitation-only part of our workshop, you are warmly
welcome as supporters or observers! (All discussant places in
the Round Tables are taken by now.) Please get in touch with us
at workshops@humiliationstudies.
For those who are already registered on the website and still wish to send us an abstract, a paper, or other relevant material, thank you so much for sending it along. To encourage dialogue through this workshop, we would like to upload all material to our website prior to the actual conference so participants will have the opportunity to read them in advance.
Our conferences and workshops are transdisciplinary and aim to foster dialogue and shared reflection on how to create more space for dignity in the world. Our programs always stimulate lively, thought-provoking discussions. We look forward to your support and participation in this workshop!
Published Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012