TC Holds Commencement for Master's Degree Students | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC Holds Commencement for Master's Degree Students

Teachers College held two Convocation ceremonies for its 2013 master's degree recipients Tuesday at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.

Teachers College held two Convocation ceremonies for its 2013 master's degree recipients Tuesday at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.

In her remarks, TC President Susan Fuhrman noted that the students were graduating during "a milestone year for TC -- our 125th anniversary," and reminded them that they "stand on the shoulders of giants: the leaders and pioneers who have walked the halls of TC over the decades and have helped to change the world in so many ways."

Click here to read about and see video from the morning ceremony with the Departments of Arts & Humanities, Biobehavioral Sciences, Counseling & Clinical Psychology, Curriculum & Teaching, and Education Policy & Social Analysis.

Click here to read about and see video from the afternoon ceremony with the Departments of Health & Behavior Studies, Human Development, International & Transcultural Studies, Mathematics, Science & Technology, and Organization & Leadership.
Coverage of TC's 2013 Convocation ceremony for doctoral students will be posted later today.

Published Wednesday, May. 22, 2013


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