EPSA leads a conference on the VERGARA, DAVIDS, AND WRIGHT c... | Teachers College Columbia University

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EPSA leads a conference on the VERGARA, DAVIDS, AND WRIGHT case. Dec.3. 2014

On December 3rd, Teachers College, Columbia University hosted a national conference that focused on the Vergara, Davids, and Wright cases, which concern the impact of teacher tenure on low-'income and minority students. Panels included both supporters and critics of the Vergara/Wright approach.
On December 3ed, Teachers College, Columbia University hosted a national conference that focused on the Vergara, Davids, and Wright cases, which concern the impact of teacher tenure on low‑income and minority students. Panels included both supporters and critics of the Vergara/Wright approach.

Full article, including the video of the conference HERE.

December 3, 214. Conference Program

Published Friday, Dec. 19, 2014


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