Rachel Langlais, an alumna of the LPP program in the TNTP bl... | Teachers College Columbia University

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Rachel Langlais, an alumna of the LPP program in the TNTP blog, July 10, 2014

Rachel Langlais, an alumna of the Leadership, Policy and Politics program, 2012, currently works as a Senior Program Manager on the Partnerships and Research team at The New Teacher Project. Recently, Rachel, together with a co-writer, has published an entry on a TNTP blog titled "Embracing our own big data."
Rachel Langlais and Cassandra Coddington, "Embracing our own big data."


"It can be challenging to embrace the idea that your data might illuminate things you don’t want to see—the strategy that isn’t working, or the staff members who aren’t happy. But we’ve found that often, the information that’s toughest to swallow sparks the greatest growth. By collecting and using data regularly—tweaking our work, collecting some evidence, and making more changes as needed—we’re able to work toward big goals in manageable, measurable chunks. And by walking the walk, we can say to our collaborators in the field—this work is tough, but we’re embracing our inner data nerds to make sure we’re making progress."

Link to the blog HERE.

Published Monday, Jul. 28, 2014


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