Variations on a Greene Goodbye | Teachers College Columbia University

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Variations on a Greene Goodbye

The memories ranged from raucous to tender at a ceremony for Maxine Greene
On October 6th, in the Cowin Conference Center, TC held a memorial celebration of the life of Professor Emerita Maxine Greene, who died in May at age 96. The speakers were: TC President Susan Fuhrman; Michelle Fine, of The Graduate Center, CUNY; former TC faculty member Graeme Sullivan, now of the Penn State School of Visual Arts; Deborah Meier of New York University; William Ayers of the University of Illinois at Chicago; Sonia Nieto of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Lee Anne Bell and Susan Riemer Sacks of Barnard College; Joel Westheimer of the University of Ottawa; Rene Arcilla of New York University; and TC Provost Thomas James.

The event included a dance piece with music by TC doctoral candidate Judy Lewis, choreographed by TC movement sciences doctoral candidate Aston K. McCullough. 

Following the memorial, the film "Exclusions and Awakenings: The Life of Maxine Greene" was shown in Milbank Chapel.

Published Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014


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