World premier of CULTIVATION
The Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy is pleased to present the world premiere of Cultivation, a documentary film by Gioacchino Taliercio, that features the ground-breaking work of Joan Dye Gussow, EdD, Mary Swartz Rose Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. The screening will take place on Monday, November 17th at 6pm at Teachers College.
Joan has been teaching the life-transformative course, “Nutritional Ecology” since 1970. With this course Joan pioneered a way to teach generations of nutrition students broad systems level thinking connecting human and ecological health. "Cultivation" captures the essence of Joan's teaching and celebrates her continued influence.
The New York Times once called Joan the “matriarch of the eat-locally-think-globally food movement.” Michael Pollan agrees, saying Joan “has been a powerful influence on the food movement.”
The filmmaker, Gioacchino Taliercio, is an Emmy Award winning video-journalist and graduate of the Nutrition and Education program at Teachers College.
Tickets are free. To register please visit:
Published Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014