TC's Pallas in NY Times on Annual Testing: Perhaps There's Another Way to Hold Schools Accountable
In a letter to the editor of The New York Times responding to an earlier article about high-stakes annual school testing, TC’s Aaron Pallas, professor of sociology and education writes: “An argument in favor of annual testing of a wide swath of American schoolchildren would be more persuasive if it addressed the fact that most other countries — including those we admire for their superior student performance — do not have such a national policy. Perhaps there’s more than one way to hold the education system accountable for what students learn in school.”
Link: How Useful Are Standardized Tests?
The views expressed in the previous article are solely those of the speakers to whom they are attributed. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, administration, or staff either of Teachers College or of Columbia University.
Published Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015