Henig Quoted in L.A. Times, Miami Herald Stories Henig Quoted in L.A. Times, Mia | Teachers College Columbia University

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Henig Quoted in L.A. Times, Miami Herald Stories

Jeffrey Henig, Professor of Political Science and Education and Chair of the Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis, is quoted in two recent news stories.
On Dec. 26 in a Miami Herald story headlined "Support for Common Core Could Cost Jeb Bush in Primary," Henig says the debate over the standards could calm down before the 2016 election. Drawing parallels to the launch of the new healthcare marketplace under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which once seemed likely to dominate the 2014 election cycle, Henig says: “We might see the same thing with Common Core. A year from now, it’s going to seem a little less toxic and a little less alien.” Link to story.

In a Jan. 7 story in the Los Angeles Times about choosing a new leader for the Los Angeles Unified School District, Henig says that some superintendents "push too hard and too fast" for change, which "puts district leaders at risk of backlash — not just from the recalcitrant and self-interested, but from potential allies who could be won over with a more incremental and inclusive approach." Link to story.

Published Friday, Jan. 23, 2015


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