TC's Aaron Pallas Discusses Teacher Evaluations at NYS Board of Regents Learning Summit
TC's Arthur I. Gates Professor of Sociology and Education Aaron Pallas was one of seven researchers, economists, and professors who weighed in on the evaluation systems for teachers and principals at a Learning Summit hosted by the New York State Board of Regents and State Education Department on Thursday, May 7 at the New York State Museum.
Pallas participated in a panel on Policy and Technical Aspects of Evaluation, which featured national experts in the fields of education, economics and psychometrics.
See the Learning Summit Agenda here.
Watch Pallas' panel from the Learning Summit here.
Officials are required by law to collect public comment on how to design the regulations that will govern how a teacher’s performance in the classroom gets graded, a process that must be complete by the end of June.
Along with presentations from the panel of national experts, the Regents and the State Education Department heard presentations from several New York State stakeholder groups, including representatives from the statewide organizations for superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, and school board members. Regents Vice Chancellor Anthony S. Bottar and Regent Lester W. Young are co-chairs of the P-12 Education Committee, which hosted the event on Thursday.
The views expressed in the previous article are solely those of the speakers to whom they are attributed. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, administration, or staff either of Teachers College or of Columbia University.
Published Wednesday, May. 27, 2015