Amy Wells to WSJ: Male Teachers of Color “Feel They Must Defend Students Against Biases"
In a Wall Street Journal story about a new $16.5 million initiative in New York New City to recruit and retain nonwhite male teachers so that its teaching staff better reflects its student population, TC's Amy Stuart Wells, a Professor of Sociology and Education who has studied issues around race and integration in education, said it's not easy for a male teacher who may be the only teacher of color on the faculty. They often “feel like they have to defend a lot of students against implicit biases or microaggressions," Wells said. "[T]hat can get exhausting, especially when you’re working in an environment where most of your colleagues don’t necessarily understand what you’re saying.”
LINK: New Push to Hire Male Teachers of Color in Wall Street Journal (paywall) or view a PDF.
Published Tuesday, Nov 24, 2015