Bonanno to AFP: Most Paris Victims Will Show Short-Term Distress, Then Recover | Teachers College Columbia University

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Bonanno to AFP: Most Paris Victims Will Show Short-Term Distress, Then Recover


TC's George Bonanno, an expert in trauma, recovery and resilience, was interviewed by Agence France-Presse about the Paris attacks. In this interview, reprinted on the website of NDTV, Bonanno says the vast majority of people "directly exposed to this kind of event will show considerable distress" -- the natural and healthy response to the tragedy. But most will recover quickly, and only a few will experienced prolonged symptoms of trauma. Bonanno, a professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, heads TC's Loss, Trauma and Emotion Lab and is director of TC's new  Resilience Center for Veterans & Families.

LINK: United by Trauma 14 Years Apart: New York and Paris (NDTV)

Published Monday, Nov 23, 2015

George Bonanno, Professor of Psychology and Education
George Bonanno, Professor of Psychology and Education