Samuel Abrams on Education and the Commercial Mindset
In this interview with the blog "International Education News," Samuel Abrams, director of TC's National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, discusses his new book, Education and the Commercial Mindset (Harvard University Press, 2016)--particularly his chapters on Finland and Sweden, and a recent controversy in Finland sparked by some of his comments in an interview printed in the Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s major daily.
"International Education News" was created by TC faculty member Thomas Hatch, to provide access to news, research, and reports that discuss what’s new, what’s good, and what’s effective in education around the world. Hatch, associate professor of education, is co-director of the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools & Teaching.
Abrams, TC colleagues Jeffrey Henig and Henry Levin, as well as Carol Burris, LynNell Hancock and Sharif el-Mekki, discussed the book at an event in Milbank Chapel on Monday, May 2.
Published Thursday, May 5, 2016