Fall beckoned but a summer spirit lingered at the Celebration of the Teachers College Annual Fund, held in late September at Tavern on the Green in New York City’s Central Park. More than 200 alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends toasted a record year of giving.
“The annual fund was integral to TC’s hugely successful Campaign,” said TC Board Chair Bill Rueckert. “And thanks to you, we achieved our goal to increase participation in the Fund.”

IN CIRCULATION President Tom Bailey with Mami Fleming and Jennifer Abbate, alumnae of TC’s Bilingual/Bicultural Education program.
Alumni participation is “a measure of spirit and community,” said Annual Fund Director Richard Hutzler, and TC’s health is good: A record 900 alumni and friends made first-time Fund donations this past fiscal year. The Class of 2018 made the first-ever class gift totaling over $5,000. Nearly 2,000 Maxine Greene Society members (donors for three or more consecutive years) extended support.
Alumni in attendance ranged from John Dewey Circle members who donate $1,000 or more annually to first-time donors who gave “$5 for TC.”
“It’s nice to celebrate both large and small donors,” said Leah Werner-Evans (M.A. ’14).

RECORD TURNOUT And a good time was had by all.
“I had a TC scholarship,” said first-time donor Katherine Morgenegg (M.A. ’17). “I want other students to have the same opportunities.”
“I benefited from donations and wanted to give back,” said longtime Maxine Greene Society member Seah Myers (M.S. ’89), who brought her daughter “to see why it’s important to give.”
The Annual Fund was integral to TC's hugely successful Campaign.”
—Bill Rueckert, Chair of TC Board
Senior Director of Alumni Relations Rosella Garcia said that alumni strengthen TC by attending events, volunteering, nominating peers for awards and maintaining the TC spirit.
TC’s new President, Thomas Bailey, a 27-year TC faculty member, said that leading the College has given him a new appreciation for fundraising – in particular for unrestricted funding, “which allows TC to direct support where it’s needed most each year” – and a solid comfort level with leading the charge. “It helps when you believe in the product.”