Championing Black studies in public schools; making workplaces more inclusive; aiding mental health with spirituality; and improving food policy are just a handful of critical social justice efforts that Teachers College faculty and alumni are leading during a period of seismic global change. Their expert voices, on these issues and others, will be heard during this year’s Academic Festival (also known as AcFest), happening virtually from Nov. 10 - 13.
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“As the only school of education where faculty, students and alumni collaborate across the fields of education, psychology, health and leadership, the College is uniquely equipped to lead this vital conversation,” says Rosella Garcia (M.A. ’20), Senior Director of Alumni Relations, which hosts the celebration.
In addition to numerous panels, the 13th Academic Festival will include remarks from President Thomas Bailey, an Alumni Town Hall, a symposium on student research, and a celebration of this year’s Alumni Award recipients.

Pictured from left to right, Distinguished Alumni Award recipients include Nimrod Aloni (Ph.D. ’87), Donna T. Bacon (Ed.D. ’07), Noel Tichy (Ph.D. ’72) and Chin-Chung Tsai (Ed.D. ’96). (Photos courtesy of honorees)
Distinguished Alumni Award recipients include Nimrod Aloni (Ph.D. ’87), an international leader in the field of humanistic education; Donna T. Bacon (Ed.D. ’07), a change agent and advocate whose work focuses on the education, empowerment and health promotion for underserved communities; Noel Tichy (Ph.D. ’72), an esteemed management consultant, educator and author committed to uplifting communities; and Chin-Chung Tsai (Ed.D. ’96), a ground-breaking scholar in the field of online learning.

The Early Career Award recipients are Ruth Gotian (Ed.D. ’17) and Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Ed.D. ’16). Jeffrey S. Putman (Ed.D. ’11) will receive the Alumni Award for Outstanding Service. (Photos courtesy of honorees)
The Early Career Award recipients are Ruth Gotian (Ed.D. ’17), a global expert in leadership development, mentoring, and extreme high achievers, and Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Ed.D. ’16), a pioneering scholar who works at the intersection of feminist theory, cultural studies and Islamic studies. Jeffrey S. Putman (Ed.D. ’11), Past President of the Alumni Council who served four terms on the Council and a former member of the 21st Century Leaders Committee, will receive the Alumni Award for Outstanding Service.