A pair of TC faculty members have received fellowships from the Fulbright Scholars Program to teach and conduct research at higher ed institutions in Europe and South America.
Samuel Abrams, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education, is spending the 2022-23 academic year researching vocational education as a Fulbright Visiting Professor at Finland’s University of Turku. In addition, he will teach a graduate course in the spring on the politics and sociology of education.
The Director of the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Abrams will focus on business partnerships with schools in running school apprenticeship programs.
Abrams is the author of Education and the Commercial Mindset (Harvard University Press, 2016), an exploration of the failed private sector efforts to manage public schools. He envisions writing a sequel that documents how businesses collaborate with schools to foster effective job training.
Nick Wasserman (Ph.D. ’11, M.A. ’08), Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, is spending the summer advising secondary teacher education programs in Chile on learning resources for the teaching of advanced university mathematics courses such as abstract algebra and real analysis.
The Fulbright program presents Wasserman with an opportunity to advance studies in the field of secondary teacher education within the framework of teachers’ mathematical knowledge and development. Among his numerous published works, Wasserman recently published Understanding Analysis and Its Connections to Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Springer, 2022).