
A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology


Students in the M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., and Ed.D.C.T. may select an optional concentration (or area of focus) as part of their degree. Concentrations are clusters of courses focused on a particular area. Instead of selecting a concentration, students may opt to take elective courses that fit their interests, with advisement. Concentrations are not available for M.A. Init students.

Museum EducationMuseum Education

Museum Education

Students may choose to take a Museum Education area of focus as part of their degree. This area of focus explores the art museum as a civic and educational institution, examines the role of museum education departments, and introduces students to innovative museum education programs and pedagogical practices.

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Art PedagogyArt Pedagogy

Art Pedagogy

Students who seek to sharpen their expertise designing pedagogically sound, imaginative studio art learning opportunities may complete the Art Pedagogy area of focus. This concentration equips students to teach people of different ages in different learning contexts—schools, museums, community centers, and beyond. It combines courses in the artistic development of children and adolescents, curriculum development, studio-based practice with applications for teaching, cultural diversity in art education, and special education, along with an optional art teaching internship.

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Creative TechnologiesCreative Technologies

Creative Technologies

Students may choose to take the Creative Technologies area of focus as part of their degree. This area of focus explores and strengthens the relationship between art, technology, and education. The goal is to prepare artists and art teachers to be leaders in educational ecologies that interweave digital tools and creative materials in multi- and cross-disciplinary, collaborative, and playful pedagogies. 

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Community ArtsCommunity Arts

Community Arts

 If your aim is to be an art educator in community settings, you may take the Community Arts area of focus as part of their degree. Students in this concentration take the courses below, along with other pertinent courses identified with advisement.

  • Shaping Priorities: The Arts and Community Engagement
  • Community Arts Pilot Project
  • Designing for Social Impact: Community-Based Art Education Initiatives

Academic Research in Art Education Academic Research in Art Education

Academic Research in Art Education

Open to MA and EdM students. Not suitable for MA Init, Studio Practice MA (Hybrid), Ed.D., or Ed.D.C.T students. 

An academically demanding specialization for students who are particularly interested in conducting rigorous, high-level scholarly research in art education. Applicants must be comfortable rereading demanding academic texts, have excellent English writing skills, and possess strong analytical abilities. 

Specialization courses: Art and Visual Culture (3 credits), Research Methods in Arts and Humanities (3 credits), Proseminar I (3 credits), Proseminar II (3 credits), Advanced Seminar I (3 credits) and Advanced Seminar II (3 credits).

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