Urban Education | Other Areas of Interest

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Urban Education

Department of Other Areas of Interest

Program Description

Through its various Departments and Academic pPrograms, Teachers College, located in the heart of one of the world’s largest cities, has a wide range of opportunities for instruction, research, and service in the field of urban education. Individual programs of study may be arranged for students whose major interest is in the areas of teaching, bilingual education, counseling, administration, supervision, special education, research, teacher education, or other professional roles. Special attention is given to prospective teachers and other school personnel; to persons with leadership responsibility for educational planning and program development; and to individuals interested in research and experimentation.

Most Departments and Programs at Teachers College give special attention to students primarily concerned with education in the urban setting. In addition to courses which focus primarily on urban education, many courses do include attention to education in urban settings.

For study possibilities, students should contact the Program Director in which their professional interests lie. The Ed.D. degree program in Curriculum and Teaching offers an area of focus in Urban Education for those primarily concerned with instruction, whether in schools or in other educational environments. 

Teachers College is also involved in educational program development and evaluation of urban programs. This research-service function is carried on with selected New York City schools and with other school systems in metropolitan areas. 

Of particular interest in this regard is the Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME), which gives special emphasis to research, development, training and service programs designed to improve education in the nation’s cities and for minority group members.

The Institute investigates a wide range of factors that influence educational success and failure. It provides technical assistance to schools; opportunities for students and faculty to engage in research and development activities; and, supervised and independent study jointly arranged between the Institute and appropriate academic departments.

For further information, address inquiries to the Department Chair of the area of specialization.

General offering

IND 4033. Problems and programs in urban education (2-3)

Knowledge, insights, and understandings emerging from theory, research, and practice, concerning urban education.

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