CLP Courses


Registration for Spring 2025 (February 10 - April 26, 2025) is closed.  Summer registration opens March 5, 2025.

Please email for any questions.

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Office Schedule: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. 

TC Visitor Policy Update: As of May 28th, all visitors are allowed in TC's campus! Please make sure you bring your photo ID (passport, driver's license) to sign in. 

CLP Courses

ESL Integrated Skills Course

ESL Focused Skills Courses

"Though my students study from different locations this semester, I wanted to give them as many opportunities as possible to form a sense of learning community. This is one of the projects where they collaborated to create a video sharing their study abroad experiences at the Community Language Program to prospective students. Through this collaboration, they developed their speaking competence and made memories that will last forever. As their teacher, I am so proud of this project's outcome and glad to see the close bond developed between my students!"
~ Jenny Chih-Hsuan Lin, M.A. TESOL '21

Teacher Spotlight

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