Nov 20th Session 3A

Nov 20th Session 3A

Harvest for the World: A History of African Americans in Art Education

Presentations 1 & 2: Harvest for the World: A History of African Americans in Art Education, Debra Ambush; How Did I Become an African American Art Educator?, Zerric Clinton

This presentation will explore a seldom acknowledged inertia of ideas about art education flourishing in late 19th century and beyond within the African American community. The visual, as a life and death force in the lives of African American children, deserves both to be highlighted as a paradigmatic thread in art education and examined as a historical phenomena of invisibility within art education history, suggested here as Cultural Inner Vision.  


An inquiry is provided highlighting some links among African American artists, post emancipation quests for  human rights and human dignity, and the autonomous nature of  black higher education institutions who strive to develop their own art education programs. The Committee on Multi Ethnic Concerns (COMC), an affiliate of the National Art Education Association, was developed under the unique circumstance of seeking human rights and human dignity within the framework of the National Art Education Association in the early 70’s. This year in celebrating the 35th anniversary of COMC’s existence, a fuller more encompassing history of the historical role of African Americans in art education can best be realized in examining four important art education historical periods that drive this organization’s formulation.

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